Diocese of Trapani, here are the new appointments decided by Bishop Fragnelli

On the occasion of the 47th anniversary of his priestly ordination, Monsignor Fragnelli celebrated a solemn mass in the Cathedral, during which he announced important appointments and initiatives for the Diocese of Trapani.

Monsignor Fragnelli emphasized the importance of vocations, stating that only by working together, both in the priestly and lay spheres, can lasting fruits be obtained. He reflected on the risks and gifts that accompany the spiritual journey, warning of the dangers of spiritualism and worldliness. He also highlighted the need for an open and continuous dialogue with all, based on the solidity of the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ.

During the celebration, Monsignor Fragnelli announced several appointments: Vito Martinico will be transferred to the parish of Cristo Re in Valderice; Girolamo Marcantonio will serve in the parish of Nostra Signora di Loreto; Vito Schifano will collaborate in the exorcism service with Don Rino Rosati; Salvatore Torregrossa will begin his diaconal service in the parish of Sant’Alberto; Alfonso Ricca will serve in the parish of the Immaculate Conception of Nubia and will collaborate with the diocesan Caritas; Pietro Vilardi will serve as a diaconal priest in the mother parish of Alcamo;
He also thanked Deacon Giuseppe Riccobono, who will move to Cinisi, for his service and stressed that the Diocese will always remain his home.

Monsignor Fragnelli also communicated significant changes for the diocesan seminary: Don Antonino Vilardi becomes Episcopal Delegate for the training and care of seminarians, maintaining his role as parish priest in Castellammare del Golfo;
Don Antonino Giuseppe Gerbino assumes the role of Episcopal Delegate for the Seminary Institution, maintaining his current duties;
Mons. Gaspare Gruppuso will be responsible for the spiritual accompaniment of the seminarians.

Another important novelty is the institution of the Altar Servers Service, entrusted to Don Antonino Castelli, who will begin his service on July 1st.

Monsignor Fragnelli urged the community to pray for these changes and to support all new initiatives with faith and hope. He concluded the homily by inviting everyone to remain in Christ, so that the Church can bear fruits of hope and peace, especially on the occasion of the 180th anniversary of the foundation of the Diocese. Under the guidance of Mary, Star of the Sea, Monsignor Fragnelli expressed the desire that Jesus, master and husband, attract everyone to himself, making the community disciples and missionaries.

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