are we sure it was the right city?

are we sure it was the right city?
are we sure it was the right city?

Raise the yellow-green flag to Venezia? A terrible idea, apparently. And mind you, this is certainly not our opinion (or not only, we should say): just take a look at the amount of protests that accompanied the setting up of the Village Of Coldiretti.

We imagine that the vast majority of our readers are somewhat familiar with the above-mentioned demonstration, but for the benefit of those who preferred to sit at the back we will dedicate a few lines to dotting the i’s: the “village” is, to use the same Coldiretti definition, “an opportunity to taste with moments of guided tasting, wines, oils, beers and quality and km0 foods, complete with “agriasilo, shows of rural tradition, meetings with dedicated spaces” and so on. The classic fair a little propagandistic and a little self-celebratory, in other words: nothing really new, regardless of the colors.

The protest and the inconveniences of the installation

The Coldiretti Village in Venice kicked off today, Friday, June 28between Riva Sette Martiri and the Napoleonic Gardens, leaning against the Biennale Gardens and overlooking the San Marco basin. It is worth noting that this is the primo appointment in the Veneto capital, and the most cynical might think that it will also be the last one.

As reported by colleagues at Venice Today the construction site continues from June 15th with “inconvenience – the vaporetto stop at the Giardini is suspended – and deviations”, but above all giving body to a protest front which will file in via Garibaldini on Saturday. The slogan is more than eloquent: “Enough exploitation intensive from Venice”.

The echo is that of a city that, in addition to appearing tired of acting as dispay window, presents very obvious logistical limitations. The protest, promoted by the opposition council group “The whole city together”, brings together different reasons, which in fact range from overuse of the city for large events, without taking into account the needs of citizens, up to the concern for the animal welfare.

Animal welfare, yes: the exhibition of farm animals is a fixed point in the various editions of the Village, but those who protest believe that the chosen location is not suitable for such an activity. Nothing to worry about, However: to make sure the animals are okay, just ask them. Word of the minister Lollobrigida.

“The use of Venice as dispay window of a extraneous event to the city, like the Coldiretti Fair, shows the absolute insensitivity and the substantial use of the city only for one use propaganda” explained Giovanni Andrea Martini, city councilor. “A showcase which, in this case, creates great difficulties for people’s daily lives as well as occupying spaces such as the Sette Martiri foundation and the Gardens which are fundamental for the life of the citizens of Castello and beyond”.

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