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The Strait “discovers” tourism: Reggio rewarded by the common strategy with Messina

The Strait “discovers” tourism: Reggio rewarded by the common strategy with Messina
The Strait “discovers” tourism: Reggio rewarded by the common strategy with Messina

Today, perhaps more than ever, it is time to make choices: what does Reggio want to do when it “grows up”? And if the answer focuses, at least in part, on tourism, there can only be one way forward: «We need to take advantage of this moment to make the flows more structural, to arouse an interest that becomes permanent», admits the mayor Joseph Falcomata.
There is much to do, but the current climate invites optimism. The relaunch of the airport with new Ryanair flights, the cruise projects, the renewed momentum in the relationship with Messina: there are positive signs, indeed. Despite inevitable limitations, even the meeting just concluded with dozens of buyers brought to the Strait from the metropolitan cities of Reggio and Messina has pushed in the right direction. «It is a positive moment for the city. Despite the difficulties, which still need to be faced and resolved, it is clear that we are faced with a revival of interest in tourism demand towards Reggio understood as a city, but also as a metropolitan area. The planning of these years is bearing fruit and aligns with the good opportunity generated by the arrival of Ryanair flights». And if «the flight offer, as everyone knows, is a contingent fact that can last a few years with public funding», as Falcomatà observes, it is necessary to make the interest permanent «because certainly there may be negative or positive oscillations, but once the right channels are activated in terms of incoming, it is difficult to go back», concludes the mayor. «This is because – he adds – we are aware that our metropolitan city is a beautiful land, rich in history, culture, landscapes, nature. All aspects highly sought after by tourist flows in this historical period. A place that simply needs to be discovered to be appreciated».
«The Strait, Reggio and Messina are objectively a center of interest that has nothing to envy of much more renowned international destinations. We don’t have to invent anything, other than the possibility of systematizing our potential, connecting them and organizing them better”, repeats Falcomatà who announces a new agreement “a few days from now” with the Peloritan city “which will allow us further synergies in the field in transport, as was the case with the single ticket, but also in the cultural and tourism sector”.

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