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Stop takeaway drinks until October 31, 2024

Stop takeaway drinks until October 31, 2024
Stop takeaway drinks until October 31, 2024
Catania: Stop Takeaway Drinks Until October 31, 2024

In Catania, until 31 October 2024, no takeaway drinks in glass or cans at night: Trantino’s ordinance.

With an ordinance, the mayor of the city of Catania Enrico Trantino has established an absolute ban, throughout the city, of the sale of takeaway drinks in glass containers and cans from 10pm to 7am.

The ordinance explains that during this time slot the neighborhood businessesi.e. bars and points of sale, they will not be able to sell alcoholic beverages.

In the ordinance, it is stated that The serving of drinks in glass containers and cans at the tables is permitted within public establishments, as well as in external spaces pertaining to the activity, legitimately authorized with the occupation of public land.

According to what we read in the ordinance which, we remember, is valid until 31 October 2024the provision was created to guarantee public order, safety and security of the community.

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