the initiatives underway at the Municipality of Marsala

the initiatives underway at the Municipality of Marsala
the initiatives underway at the Municipality of Marsala

Marsala – With the aim of dealing with the water emergency, due to the low rainfall in Sicily, the mayor of Marsala Massimo Grillo has implemented several initiatives. In the meantime, with an ordinance last May he alerted the municipal Civil Protection to be promptly ready to coordinate any emergencies – also with the procurement of private tankers – also activating new emergency cell phone numbers. Vademecum Regione risparmio acqua 2024 (Ord. 1_2024)

Previously, last February, the mayor’s provision had imposed a ban on the use of municipal water for purposes other than food, domestic and hygiene, inviting citizens to save water. Lastly, a directive was sent to municipal managers to take action on various fronts. Starting with a new monitoring of the level of the water table, currently underway, with managers who are responsible for adopting the necessary measures where a drop in the level below the physiological threshold is found.

At the same time, the process for the excavation of two new wells is being accelerated, with the collaboration of the Civil Engineering Department and the ASP. Furthermore, the Municipality is evaluating the possibility of equipping the Water Service with denitrification systems, to be installed possibly in the temporarily closed wells (Stadio, Pastorella, etc.). At the same time, the mapping of private wells present in the areas bordering the municipal ones is being carried out, to identify those that can be used for the water emergency or in the event of a worsening. Finally, it will be possible to count on the regional Civil Protection by requesting its intervention where the conditions exist.

“All this, however, requires the collaboration of citizens and their sensitivity in behaving responsibly regarding the use of water, states mayor Massimo Grillo. Water is a precious resource, which can run out and therefore should not be wasted.”

In this regard, the Municipality promotes the “Vademecum of actions and good practices aimed at saving drinking water and reducing consumption”, proposed by the Basin Authority of the Hydrographic District of Sicily. The vademecum offers practical suggestions for reducing water waste in daily activities, from personal hygiene to cleaning the house, to watering plants and gardens. Reducing waste also helps reduce bill costs.

Finally, it must be said that in the last three years, the Grillo Administration has promoted and supported various strategic interventions – as per the Administration’s program – aimed at preparing the city for the challenges posed by climate change. Starting with the agreement between the Municipality, the Regional Department of Agriculture and the Reclamation Consortium for the reuse of waste water for irrigation.

Added to this is the funding for the replacement of the main section of the irrigation district underlying the Rubino dam (an investment of over 6 million euros), as well as the approval of a new agreement with Sicilacque for the supply of additional cubic meters of drinking water from the Rubino dam.

Vademecum Region water saving 2024 (Ord. 1_2024)

Finally, several meetings with Siciliacque led to a historic result: an investment of approximately 90 million euros (PNRR funds) that will allow the connection of our city’s water system to the Montescuro Ovest and Garcia aqueducts.

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