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Rai Journalist and Director of Accused of Defamation by Marsala Magistrates

Rai Journalist and Director of Accused of Defamation by Marsala Magistrates
Rai Journalist and Director of Accused of Defamation by Marsala Magistrates

Last updated on June 28, 2024 by Marco Mintillo

During the programme ‘Ore 14’ aired on Rai 2 on November 22, 2021, the Rai journalist Milo Infante and the director of Angel Mary Perrino were charged by the preliminary hearing judge Caltanissetta David Salvucci for defamation against three magistrates of Marsala .

Defamation Charges

The offended parties are the former Prosecutor of Marsala Vincenzo Pantaleo and the magistrates Roberto Piscitello e Giuliana Ranaresponsible for the investigation into the disappearance of Denise Pipitonethe 4-year-old girl who disappeared in 2004 Mazara del Vallo.

Judge Salvucci defined Perrino’s statements on TV as “objectively defamatory“, stating that these statements had offended the three magistrates.

The Contested Statements

During the broadcast, Perrino stated: “A Roman source at ‘Affaritaliani’ told me that the key to this mystery lies in the wiretaps that they did not want to make public because they would be compromising for many people and therefore, under various pretexts, they were buried and made unusable.” These words contributed to compromising the reputation of the magistrates involved in the investigation.

Infante was also involved when, responding to a guest in the studio, he referred to magistrates, politicians and other unidentified subjects, implicating them in the concealment of compromising wiretaps and in the inexorable kidnapping of Denise Pipitone.

Response and Decision of the Gup

Infante defended his statements by claiming that he was referring to alleged gaps in the initial investigations and not to the magistrates currently in charge of the case. However, the preliminary hearing judge rejected the request for the case to be closed, emphasizing the defamatory value of the statements and the awareness of journalists regarding the damage to the reputation of those involved in the investigations into Denise Pipitone.

The preliminary hearing judge also underlined the importance of disclosing information on ethical and professional violations by individuals potentially subject to judicial proceedings, urging those under investigation to limit public complaints of illicit collusion to specific individuals and defined periods.

In conclusion, the story highlights the sensitivity and responsibility of disseminating sensitive information in the context of the investigation into the disappearance of Denise Pipitone.


  • The text of the article deals with the accusations of defamation leveled against the Rai journalist
Milo Infante and to the director of Angel Mary Perrino by the investigating judge of Caltanissetta David Salvucci following statements made during the programme ‘Ore 14’ broadcast on Rai 2 November 22, 2021. The injured parties are the former Attorney of Marsala Vincenzo Pantaleo and the magistrates Roberto Piscitello e Juliana Froginvolved in the investigation into the disappearance of Denise Pipitonethe 4-year-old girl who disappeared in 2004 in Mazara del Vallo.

During transmission, Angelo Maria Perrino he said that the key to the case lies in the wiretaps that have not been made public, while Milo Infante referred to alleged gaps in the initial investigations without specifically identifying the subjects involved. The preliminary hearing judge David Salvucci considered these statements as defamatory and damaging to the reputation of the magistrates involved in the investigation.
The preliminary hearing judge’s decision not to close the case underlines the importance of avoiding statements that could damage the reputation of third parties, especially in sensitive contexts such as that linked to the disappearance of Denise Pipitone. Furthermore, the ethical and professional responsibilities of journalists in disseminating sensitive information without causing harm to the people involved are highlighted.
This story underlines the importance of precision and responsibility in dealing with delicate topics such as judicial ones and underlines the importance of respecting journalistic ethics to avoid legal disputes related to defamation.

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