Pride is back, the Rainbow community parades – Pescara

Pride is back, the Rainbow community parades – Pescara
Pride is back, the Rainbow community parades – Pescara

PESCARA. Pride will return to Abruzzo, this year in Pescara, on Saturday 6 July, bringing with it “a message of inclusion, celebration of diversity and commitment to the rights of the LGBTQ+ community”, as the organizers of the event say.
This event, now in its fifth edition, will be held this year in the splendid setting of the city of Pescara, and will be “an opportunity to bring together people of all ages, genders and sexual orientations to celebrate the freedom to be themselves and to promote equality and acceptance.”
It will be a route through the city centre that will wind its way through a parade chanting the words of this year’s motto: Shake with care!
Starting at 3pm, the procession will wind through the city’s main streets, culminating in a festival with performances, music and “inspirational speeches”.
«Pride Abruzzo», specify the promoters of the event, «is not just a colorful celebration, but a moment of reflection on the need to continue the fight for LGBT+ rights and on the importance of creating welcoming and supportive communities, for peace, end of every war, the rejection of the Palestinian genocide, the protagonism of the voices of the T* community, for the Arcobaleno families, reproductive rights, for safe and free abortion, for a culture of respect for all diversity”.
«We must be there and participate in this day of celebration and commitment», they concluded, «in support of equality and diversity. Together we can build a more inclusive and respectful present and future for all.”

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