Region’s Big Baffe: Billboards Snub Two Cities, Protests Begin

Region’s Big Baffe: Billboards Snub Two Cities, Protests Begin
Region’s Big Baffe: Billboards Snub Two Cities, Protests Begin

An oversight on highway billboards has raised a lot of controversy in Abruzzo, especially in two cities.

The cities of Pescara and Vastotogether with other deserving locations, have been surprisingly excluded from the list of beaches awarded the prestigious Blue Flag 2024.

Oversight on a billboard in Abruzzo –

The discovery was made by motorists and travelers traveling on the Abruzzo stretch of the A14, in particular in the Alento est service area. Here, a great one ad panel proudly lists the Abruzzo municipalities awarded the Blue Flag 2024 for the quality of their bathing waters, the services offered and environmental protection. Of the fifteen cities and towns in Abruzzo recognized by the Fee (Foundation for Environmental Education), only nine appear on the sign: Martinsicuro, Alba Adriatica, Tortoreto, Giulianova, Roseto degli Abruzzi, Pineto, Ortona, Fossacesia and San Salvo.

Locations excluded

The exclusion of Pescara and Vasto from the publicized list immediately raised questions and discontent among local administrators and citizens. No less surprising are the omissions of Silvi, Francavilla al Mare as well as the picturesque lakeside resorts of Villalago and ScannoThese absences have sparked debate on the visibility given to the region’s various tourist destinations.

Sea of ​​Pescara –

At the heart of the controversy is one question economical. A similar controversy had already arisen last year regarding the methods used to select the locations to be included in motorway promotional materials. The selection of the cities mentioned in the billboards seems to be influenced by the funds available for the tourism promotion; in other words: more resources invested means greater visibility.

The exclusion of some of the most famous seaside destinations in Abruzzo from the Blue Flag materials could have negative repercussions on the tourist influx in the areas concerned. Local administrators have expressed concern about this communication oversight which risks penalize unfairly some communities in favor of others.

This episode highlights the importance of communication effective in the tourism sector and highlights how decisions supposedly based on economic criteria end up influencing the perception of the environmental and recreational value of places. The hope is that similar situations can be avoided in the future through a more inclusive dialogue between regional and national tourism bodies, in order to give each natural and urban wonder the attention it deserves.

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