“he made the left win in the Province by deliberately splitting the centre-right”

“We have legitimate doubts about the fact that the centre-left’s victory can restore dignity to Manfredonia, as the Siponto regional councilor Campo is trumpeting. We feed them in light of the fact that for several decades the left-wing group in government of the city – which was also headed by the current regional councilor as mayor – has sold out Manfredonia. Just think, just by way of example, of the hospital, subject to a systematic dismantling action begun with Vendola and continued with Emiliano, without the Siponto left and its “leaders” saying a word. Just think about the failed Area Contract – of which the aforementioned regional councilor was Sole Manager (Single!) – which initially served to provide jobs to friends and comrades, only to then fail with the flight of the “entrepreneurs-preneurs”, and the cry of many young people in debt with many mortgage installments to pay and a job that no longer exists. We ask ourselves what dignity the regional councilor of the PD is talking about, and this without even resurrecting the well-known story of the dissolution of the municipal administration due to mafia infiltration, which occurred in 2019.

Of course, it will be said, as has also been said: but you, when put to the test, lasted only two years.. And hence the imaginative and interested narrative of someone who would like this dissolution to be attributed to an “unholy pact” between Forza Italia and the left. Nothing could be further from the truth!

It is true, however, that whoever replaced the left in the Municipality in 2021 in the name of change did, yes, first win the left in the Province by deliberately (and irresponsibly) splitting the centre-right, and then giving life to a government of the thing public never participated, avoiding any legitimate and dutiful request for clarification on initiatives, actions, choices. “L’Ètat, c’est moi” (“The State is me”) said Louis XIV of France, and like him, the former mayor said that he, and only he, was the Municipality. A sort of sole shareholder of a company. We believe it is worth reminding all the forgetful people of these days that that administration, to whose success Forza Italia contributed decisively, was dissolved due to the resignation of 13 city councilors, but the thirteenth councilor was a woman not elected in Forza Italia, but in a civic list of that mayor (list “Io voto Gianni”). Likewise, it should be remembered to the forgetful that Forza Italia, having taken note of the less than brilliant government of public affairs, had the courage and intellectual honesty to formally move to the opposition, after having first, and in vain, called for a political review that was however denied by that mayor, who was now floating, struggling in clumsy attempts at survival, between gaffes, blunders and lies, rather than having the dignity to resign, avoiding the humiliation of a vote of no confidence. This is the Truth that someone is trying to deviously fabricate to deceive the people and attribute to others the responsibility for a failure for which they should apologize to those who had placed their trust in them. And all this in spite of – due to the culture of guarantorism that has always distinguished Forza Italia – the latest judicial events that have involved those who would do well to keep quiet, rather than continue to tell lies and tall tales.

The last elections have decreed the new mayor and the new majority and assigned to us the task, fundamental in a democracy, of being an opposition, which will be rigorous.attentive, but also constructive, aware, as we are, that Manfredonia requires urgent responses to its many needs, and that dignity, the one the regional councilor of the PD talks about, has been violated for decades and must be returned to the citizens.

Let’s start here. Time will be kind.

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