Those threats to the agricultural entrepreneur

Those threats to the agricultural entrepreneur
Those threats to the agricultural entrepreneur

Extremely serious intimidation of the agricultural entrepreneur from Rosarno, Patrizia Rodi Morabito, vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce of the province of Reggio Calabria, director of Coldiretti and member of the Service for the pastoral care of work of the diocese of Oppido-Palmi. A fire set on the border of her company damaged the irrigation system and approximately three hectares of kiwi cultivation. An event that happened a few days ago but has not yet been made known.

It is yet another criminal action against the entrepreneur and the family business “Tenuta Badia-Rodi” which mainly grows organic olive, citrus and kiwi trees. Last March 5, some centuries-old olive trees were cut down and set on fire. On March 16, unknown persons left waste of all kinds in front of the company gate, while other waste was left inside the land. And on the same estate they tore down an access barrier. An insult committed the day after the visit of the prefect of Reggio Calabria, Clara Vaccaro, and the president of the Chamber of Commerce Antonio Tramontana, a gesture of solidarity and attention towards the entrepreneur. The dumping of waste was evidently not an isolated gesture, but the background to what then happened. In fact, the flames started from the waste itself, in particular from the waste thrown next to the nozzle of the irrigation system, the plastic pipes of which were deformed, making it unusable, especially in these very hot days. The flames, favored by the tall grass of the organic cultivation (no herbicides are used), reached the kiwi plants, incinerating them. Just a case? Or someone who knew the company well?

“I have never had requests for protection money, I think they want to annoy me, weaken me, tire me out. They want me to leave my land, to then take possession of it. But I came back precisely for this land and I’m not leaving.” The entrepreneur immediately went to report it to the police like the other times (there have been countless threats and attacks, even when her father was at the helm of the company) and then went to pray, “my main activity in the 24 hours”, also for those responsible for the fire, for whom she had a Mass celebrated. A woman of great faith (she recently accepted the invitation of the bishop of Oppido-Palmi, Monsignor Giuseppe Alberti, to collaborate with the diocese) but not always. When she was young she “emigrated” to Rome, working as an artist, especially with terracotta works. “But I felt a strong call for my land and as soon as I could I returned.” It was 2012. A strong choice, not the only one. “I was a convinced non-believer, a “priest-eater”. Then a friend introduced me to a person who spoke to me about Jesus. And it was like a war. I no longer knew how to pray. It was a very tiring return home. I knew the man Jesus, but only the man. So I began to study. If I am here today and I am like this, it is his “fault”, she smiles under her bob of hair.

A faith that also expresses in initiatives. He takes us to see the centuries-old olive trees cut and burned. Next to two defeated giants, two new white olive trees, with which the “holy oils” were once prepared. «I called them “Speranza” and “Maria” because here there was an ancient Basilian settlement dedicated to the Virgin of Rovito». On the occasion of the planting on March 9th you gave the encyclicals “Pacem in terris” and “Fratelli tutti”. Great faith, therefore, and confidentiality. «I am a person who has fought to be as I am and who wants to live in great simplicity». Patrizia Rodi Morabito is very clear about the territory in which she lives. «I have seen the first intimidations, fires and thefts since I was a child. In 2000 they set fire to the warehouses. I left them like this so we can see what they do.” Actions that have increased since she decided to expose herself, engaging with Coldiretti, the Chamber of Commerce and the Diocese, but also organizing school visits, courses and conferences. «There is still a lot of fear in this area. But we have to start making ourselves heard, enough with the silence! Whoever gets hit, speak up. There are many reasons to take a step back, but I don’t do it because I am convinced that steps forward can be made and in my small way I too am producing a positive wave. So in the evening I go to sleep peacefully.” He has a final thought for those who burn and cut the plants. “You have taken away oxygen from you and your children, and everything that makes living well.”

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