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Airbnb in Rennes: the Metropolis implements new rules for tourist rentals

Airbnb in Rennes: the Metropolis implements new rules for tourist rentals
Airbnb in Rennes: the Metropolis implements new rules for tourist rentals


Lilouenn SINGING

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 2:16 p.m.

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With the real estate crisis that Rennes is currently going through, there is increased tension on access to housing, especially because of tourist apartments short-term, observes the Metropolis.

Strong growth in the Airbnb market

Even if Rennes is less concerned than certain other large cities by the Airbnb market, the latter is still experiencing strong growth which is increasing from year to year.

So, from 2022 to 2023, 15% additional nights were reserved in Rennes by the platforms, according to data linked to the tourist tax.

The development of this market raises concerns for Rennes Métropole:

  • A gradual disappearance of an “inhabited” city center;
  • A significant cohabitation between residents and tourists;
  • Reinforcement of the shortage of student accommodation.
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New rules in force

The elected officials therefore voted on a regulation concerning the change of use of a private apartment, subjecting to authorization any transformation of premises into furnished tourist accommodation.

This regulation provides for:

  • Limit to one dwelling per tax household, in addition to the main dwelling, the number of properties that can be authorized to change use to furnished tourist accommodation;
  • Limit to 50% of the total surface area of ​​a building the possibility of changes of use, so as to avoid the phenomenon of entire buildings being able to be converted in furnished tourist accommodation and to encourage investors and owners to favor traditional rental;
  • Provide a four-year validity of any authorization or declarationallowing for a gradual entry into force for the furnished tourist accommodation already declared in recent years. Any renewal must be the subject of a new request;
  • Set up a registration number which will be systematically requested for posting ads on digital platforms. This will also allow for better knowledge and more precise monitoring of the phenomenon in the future.

These measures aim to prevent the supply of year-round rentals from drying up.

Application of the rules in certain cities in the Metropolis

Rennes Métropole also provides the opportunity to other municipalities in the heart of Rennes such as Chantepie, Cesson-Sévigné, Saint-Grégoire and Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande to apply this new regulation and deliberate before January 1, 2025.

Our objective is to allow municipalities that wish to do so to limit the number of tourist rentals even though families in the area have difficulty finding accommodation.

Nathalie Appéré
Mayor of Rennes and President of Rennes Métropole

The City of Rennes deliberated on this new regulation during the municipal council on Monday June 24.

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