Waste: Municipalities in arrears in Calabria, the Region demands payment

Waste: Municipalities in arrears in Calabria, the Region demands payment
Waste: Municipalities in arrears in Calabria, the Region demands payment

The debt on waste from defaulting entities amounts to almost 94 million: the Calabria Region demands payment from the delinquent Municipalities

LAMEZIA TERME – The debt of the Calabrian municipalities that are in default for waste management would amount to 93,892,028.81 euros, considering only the largest ones and only for ordinary management. In first place is Reggio Calabria, followed by Cosenza, Corigliano Rossano, Crotone, Lamezia Terme, Catanzaro, Vibo Valentia, Rende and then, in a cascade, all the others. This is what emerges from a provision of the Department of Territory and Environmental Protection of 27 June, with which the Calabria Region pays cash to the Municipalities considered “defaulting” by transmitting the updated lists of the residual debt for the ordinary waste tariff (according to Annex A – years 2013/2019, also including the tariff adjustment for the years 2016-2017) and residual credits (according to the Annex B) for all municipalities for 35,178,908.79 euros (of which only 29,617,672.08 for those already mentioned) belonging to the former Commissioner delegate for extraordinary management (as of 12/31/2012).

To the sum of 93,892,028.81 euros, not including that of the other smaller Municipalities, however, we must also add that of 35,178,908.79 euros for the residues of the management of the former Commissioner Delegate for waste. These defaulting bodies, following the update of the credits of the Waste Tariff, will be subjected to “administrative seizure for those credits claimed by the municipalities against the regional administration”. That is, the sums, for example the financing for social policies, claimed by the municipalities in the region could be subjected to administrative seizure pending the balance or the relative installment plan, to be agreed with the regional body.

The Municipality of Reggio Calabria leads the ranking of delinquent municipalities, which for ordinary management has accumulated a previous debt of €21,882,564.64, while for the residues of the management of the former Commissioner delegated to waste it has accumulated €609,463.65, with a total of €22,492,028.29; the Municipality of Cosenza follows with €18,434,566.53; the municipality of Corigliano Rossano follows with €16,757,504.32 (total for ordinary and extraordinary management); following is the city of Crotone with €10,289,112.22; in fifth place Lamezia Terme with €7,936,799.48; Catanzaro with €7,599,217.19; then Vibo Valentia with €6,582,823.70; and finally Rende with Euro 3,799,977.08. These sums that the region is requesting will weigh on municipal budgets, especially those, like the municipality of Cosenza, which are already in financial difficulty.

The Region’s lists include defaulting municipalities; then those defaulting because, despite having agreed to the installment plan for the sums due, they are not punctual in paying the installments and/or have not produced the documentation necessary for the benefit of the installment plan to be effective; those municipalities that have already declared financial insolvency; those municipalities that present a repayment plan; those that are also home to a plant and/or landfill that are beneficiaries of the expected royalties. Finally, for all those municipalities that have returned to bonis, that have not paid the amount due, the forced recovery procedure is being started with a simultaneous notification to the Court of Auditors.

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