We turn the page and prepare the new governance

We turn the page and prepare the new governance
We turn the page and prepare the new governance

In the Council there are fifteen from the majority and nine from the opposition, eight are women

WITH THE ritual PROCLAMATION which took place in the hall of the municipal offices of Acqua di Cristo, Domenico La Marca officially entered the history of the first citizens of Manfredonia. He is the 22nd in the Siponto Republican era series. “I will be the mayor of everyone, of an entire community that dreams of starting again, of desiring, of making a future” he said, not without a certain emotion. His journey was a long one in a highly suspicious and hesitant city context. Together with the exponents of the coalition lists that supported him in an undoubtedly difficult and difficult undertaking, he managed to bring the majority of the people, of the voters who decreed his victory, to his side.

BUT EVERYTHING that has happened in the six or so months since the fall of the last disastrous elected administration is a thing of the past: now we need to look ahead and organize ourselves to prepare a government team that lives up to expectations. Which are many and completely extraordinary. We need to make up for lost time. Restore credibility, honorability and planning capacity to Manfredonia. Naturally the mayor is not enough, a compact team is needed, with specific skills and with the absolute will to think about administering a territory, a city, a population that believed in the La Marca project to which it has entrusted the task of cultural transition.

STARTING therefore from the majority that will sit in Palazzo San Domenico, but also from the opposition that will face the task of controlling governance but also a proactive role. It should not be forgotten that both represent the same population. But what will be the composition of the municipal council led by La Marca?

THE MAJORITY is entitled to fifteen seats represented as follows: PD five councilors: Rita Valentino, Matteo Gentile, Paola Leone, Gino Castriotta and Cecilia Simone; Popular Project three councilors: Francesco Schiavone, Gianpio Ognissanti and Antonietta D’Anzeris; Molo 21 three councilors: Michele Iacoviello, Michelina Quitadamo and Matteo La Torre; With two councilors: Maria D’Ambrosio and Maria Teresa Valente; Manfredonia Civica a councilor: Nicola Mangano; an Alfredo De Luca councilor also for Green Europe.

THE OPPOSITION will be awarded nine seats distributed as follows: Ugo Galli, Antonio Tasso, Vincenzo Di Staso, mayoral candidates; and one councilor each for the lists: Forza Italia, Liliana Rinaldi; Fratelli d’Italia, Giuseppe Marasco; Città Protagonista, Libero Palumbo; Ugo Galli mayor, Fabio Di Bari; Agiamo, Massimiliano Ritucci.

NOTEWORTHY is the female representation, eight councilors in total, seven of which are from the majority and only one from the opposition. Six councilors from the past council assembly return to occupy a seat on the city council.

Michael Apollonius

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