On Thursday 20 June at 11 am, the third preparatory services conference for the establishment of the “Lama Santa Croce” Regional Natural Parkstrongly desired by the Municipality of Bisceglie since 2018.

On this occasion, Legambiente Puglia, with the clubs of Bisceglie and Molfetta, reiterated the opportunity to extend the perimeter of the park to theOasis of Torre Calderinaa valuable naturalistic area, recognized as such since 1985 and protected by the regional hunting wildlife plan.

The Municipality of Molfetta, however, waited a year from the first services conference, held in July 2023to express the will to integrate the bird sanctuary into the nascent park, without accompanying this declaration with an act of the municipal council that would demonstrate the political will to be part of it.

Since the request for its establishment, expressed by the Municipality of Bisceglie, as mentioned, in 2018, the same has always urged our Municipality to enter into the management of the park authority, seeing in its establishment, a cultural, touristic, economic opportunity.

Our Administration, instead, preferred to focus on other objectives starting from the declaration of public utility of the railway terminal serving the commercial port under construction rather than accepting the invitation of the Municipality of Bisceglie.

It is not enough to intercept regional or national funding to redevelop the coastal area or the tower, if there is no overall vision and a perspective towards which to direct these public resources.

The Municipality of Bisceglie started a participatory process on Monday 17 June, three days before the regional service conference, aimed at gathering qualified points of view and building the management plan of the nascent park.

We, however, are still waiting for the reactivation of Agenda 21 which would have been very useful for discussing the opportunity to enter the park and integrate it with the oasis, building a new participatory process.

What does the Municipality of Molfetta intend to do now? It will bring to the city council the will to join the “Lama S. Croce” Park or will it prefer to stop at the partial redevelopment of the coastal area and the tower without setting itself an ambitious vision that connects the oasis to Lama Santa Croce and, subsequently, to the Alta Murgia Park of which the oasis is the natural outlet to the sea?

As Legambiente Molfetta we ask the Administration to urgently bring the proposal to join the nascent initiative to the city council “Lama S. Croce” Regional Parkas proposed by the administration of Bisceglie, demonstrating the political will to protect the coastal strip that connects our two municipalities.

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