Varese, daughter beaten after finding hot photos with boyfriend. Father sentenced

VARESE – Acquitted of the most serious crime of mistreatment in the family, but sentenced to 1 year and 5 months for assault and threats against his wife and minor daughter. The first degree trial concluded before the panel of the Varese court presided over by Andrea Crema which saw the conviction of a South American father who apparently lost his mind in front of naked photos of his younger daughter exchanged in chat with her boyfriend.

Naked daughter photos

In front of those images the man loses his mind. The wife tries to play it down and she is beaten at least twice by her husband. The girl, who took legal action against her, was apparently attacked with slaps by her father on only one occasion. The prosecution had asked for a two-year sentence. But making inroads into the college may have been the question posed by the lawyer Corrado Viazzothe defendant’s lawyer: «What would you have done if it had been your daughter?». This could be the point that prompted the college to acquit the abusive father of the most serious accusation, that of mistreatment, however, pushing the judges to condemn him for injuries and threats, with his young daughter joining the civil action thanks to the assistance of the lawyer Elizabeth Brusa.


The reasons for the sentence will be filed in 90 days. It is not excluded that he procures and defense can challenge the first instance sentence in appeal.

The hardcore photographer from Olgiate Olona was sentenced to two years

varese hot daughter photo – MALPENSA24


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