Waste, in Calabria stop new landfills or the expansion of existing ones

Waste, in Calabria stop new landfills or the expansion of existing ones
Waste, in Calabria stop new landfills or the expansion of existing ones

CATANZARO “The relaunch of a Region also and above all passes through the convinced and courageous protection of the environment and the health of citizens. In Calabria, due to the Waste Plan from 2016, it was possible to build new landfills following exclusively a localization criterion – the ‘municipal landfill pressure factor’ – referring to the municipal territory, with a limit value set at 110,000 cubic meters of waste per kilometer square. A too loose mesh which in recent years has allowed some excesses, a principle that is anything but limiting and which did not guarantee any protection for any of the Calabrian municipalities, especially for the smallest ones. For these reasons the Calabria Regional Council has decided to intervene to transform what was a merely formal protection into a truly substantial protection. The so-called ‘municipal pressure factor’ has been stringently modified – we go from 110,000 cubic meters of waste per square kilometer to the new limit of 70,000 cubic meters of waste per square kilometer – and a further level of protection has been introduced, innovative compared to the Previous plan, with the prediction and identification of an ‘areal landfill pressure factor’. While the ‘municipal’ one is calibrated on the administrative boundaries of the individual Municipalities, the ‘area factor’ will take into consideration larger areas, thus avoiding an excessive concentration of landfills in the same area: the threshold identified, considered adequate, is equal to 50,000 cubic meters of waste per square kilometre. Thanks to these precious and timely interventions, we affirm the technical and principle lines that will guide our administrative action in the coming years. In Calabria it will be much more difficult, I would say almost impossible, to build new landfills or expand existing ones; and the facilities that are now outlawed, in relation to the new parameters we have introduced, will have to choose between complying as soon as possible or closing their doors forever”. Thus Roberto Occhiuto, president of the Calabria Region, with reference to the resolution adopted by the Council to modify the regional waste plan: the contents of the resolution were anticipated in recent days by the Calabria Courier in relation to the effects on the reclamation of Crotone.

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