Marcello Salerno is the new sole director of Ops spa

Marcello Salerno is the new sole director of Ops spa
Marcello Salerno is the new sole director of Ops spa

AND Marcello Salernoassociate professor of public law at the “Aldo Moro” University of Bari and former mayor of Ariis the new sole director of Oops spa. Salerno was presented this morning at a press conference.
Forty-nine years old, mayor of Ari for two terms until June 10th, PhD in European and comparative business and market law at the “D’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara, boasts extensive experience in the field of law public and was a member of the board of directors of the Chietino district consortium for the disposal of solid urban waste of Fara Filiorum Petri.

Marcello Salerno

Ops takes care of the members of the integrated provincial information systemof the provincial territorial information systemof the control service for ascertaining the actual state of maintenance and operation of the thermal plants as well as the control service ofEnergy Performance Certificate (Bee) of buildings.

The nomination decree was signed this morning by the president of the Province, Francesco Mennahaving heard the mayor of Chieti Diego Ferrarafollowing the public notice for the collection of expressions of interest in holding the position of sole director of the company Organization of Projects and Services (Ops), owned by the Province of Chieti (89.7%) and the Municipality of Chieti (10.3%).

Ferrara, Salerno and Menna

The appointment was ratified by the ordinary shareholders’ meeting convened this morning at the company headquarters in via Padre Ugo Frasca in Chieti. The new compensation of the sole director was also approved, who will remain in office for the three-year period 2024-2026 and who will receive 25 thousand euros gross and all-inclusive per year plus reimbursement for travel expenses. The members therefore reduced the overall expenditure incurred by Ops for the outgoing administrative body which was equal to 32 thousand euros per year.

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