Youth policies. 217 places for the regional civil service throughout Emilia-Romagna. 17 in Ravenna

Youth policies. 217 places for the regional civil service throughout Emilia-Romagna. 17 in Ravenna
Youth policies. 217 places for the regional civil service throughout Emilia-Romagna. 17 in Ravenna

Are you between 18 and 29 years old and want to discover personal aptitudes, acquire skills, learn to work in a group, or simply improve specific knowledge and transversal skills that can also serve you for the future? If the answer to this question is yes, there is a great growth opportunity to be seized: the regional civil service.

It is offered by the Emilia-Romagna Region, which this year makes it available 217 places (62 more than in 2023) and an allocation of 933 thousand euros (last year it was 833 thousand) to provide opportunities for active citizenship and youth participation to girls and boys who want to engage in this path in the regional territory. ANDBy 2pm on 15 July 2024, young people resident or domiciled in Italy – Italian citizens or citizens from other countries, legally resident – between the ages of 18 and 29 will be able to apply choosing the regional civil service project in which to engage, which will allow them to acquire knowledge in sectors such as assistance, environment, education, cultural heritage and civil protection.

The activity will start on 2 September or 1 October 2024, based on the selected project, and will last from 8 to 11 months for 5 days a week, with an hourly commitment of 15, 20 or 25 hours per week. Participants will be paid a monthly allowance of 550.20 euros for 25 hours per week, 440.10 euros for 20 hours and 330.00 euros for 15 hours.

“Those who choose the regional civil service have the opportunity to achieve an experience of active citizenship and solidarity in favor of the local community, and at the same time to enrich their human and professional background – comments the regional councilor for Welfare and Youth Policies, Igor Taruffi-. Every year we finance the regional civil service, giving the girls and boys who take part an economic contribution, aware of the importance that an experience like this can represent for the future of our young people. Also in 2024 – concludes Taruffi – we have decided to reserve around a fifth of the places for girls and boys with fewer opportunities, for those who live in mountainous or internal areas and for those who study and do not work, to ensure that they can start again and have new opportunities.”

Recipients of the regional civil service are girls and boys aged 18 to 29, domiciled or resident in Italy, without distinction of citizenship; the application for participation (only one for a single project, under penalty of exclusion) must be submitted exclusively online to the body responsible for the chosen project via the HeliosERGiovani platform, where it is possible to consult all the available proposals. The organization will make the selection from the applications received, according to the methods contained in the project, and the selected young people will be sent to the regional civil service at the beginning of September or the beginning of October.

There are 217 places available, of which 41 are reserved for young people with fewer opportunities (low education, NEET, economic-social hardship with responsibility for the competent public service and residents in mountain or inland areas). This is the distribution of places among all the provinces of Emilia-Romagna: 16 Piacenza, 12 Parma, 14 Reggio Emilia, 18 Modena, 36 Bologna, 27 Ferrara, 17 Ravenna62 Forlì-Cesena and 15 in the province of Rimini.

Some numbers that give the size of the project: 2,500 total hours of training between general training on the meaning of civil service (885 hours) and specific training on activities (1,626 hours); over 195,000 hours of activity, to be carried out in the sectors of assistance (minors, young people, people with disabilities, adults and the elderly), education and cultural promotion (school tutoring, environmental education, animation towards minors-young people-communities, promotion of rights ), historical, artistic and cultural heritage (libraries, historical, artistic and cultural assets), and protection of biodiversity. There are 93 implementation sites involved in the 15 co-projects and 6 SCR projects available for 2024, which can be consulted through the open street map prepared by the Region: in the in-depth section “All projects by Province” the locations, number of places, the contact details of the representatives and the link to the website of the proposing bodies, where the summaries of the projects are published.

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