“The San Floro dog oasis managed by Catanzaro Servizi SpA is an example of waste of public money”

June 27, 2024 11:35 am

“The San Floro dog oasis managed by the subsidiary Catanzaro Servizi SpA is a clear example of the waste of public money without offering an adequate service to citizens. Regardless of any intervention by the competent authorities and the responsibility for the wasted public money, the management of the citizen subsidiary does not observe the most basic standards of animal protection and welfare, nor the current national and regional standards in the matter”. The municipal councilors of Azione Valerio Donato, Gianni Parisi and Stefano Veraldi wrote it.

“A particularly odious issue because it concerns poor animals who cannot defend themselves, but also public resources, citizens’ taxes, badly spent. For years, many such important and “expensive” services have been entrusted – in the absence of regular agreements with veterinary clinics and suppliers – on the basis of offers without stipulating any agreement! Even the sign placed at the entrance to the Oasi Canina is irregular and does not comply with the DCA, which provides that opening to the public must be guaranteed, during daytime hours, for at least 4 hours a day, including a holiday or the day before a holiday, with the presence of specific qualified personnel. And the opening days and hours must be posted outside the structure with the indication of the person in charge”.


“And it is not known whether among the staff there is one classified as recognized dog trainers/educators, in order to ensure – as always indicated by the DCA – in order to operate in the context of inter- and intra-specific socialization, training and possible recovery of dogs with behavioral problems. Nor is it known whether the association that signed the DCA respects all the formalities imposed by the law! Lastly, it is not known under which rules the public notice – prepared by the – was published! Catalog to the silence of “politics” they should ensure full respect for legality”.

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