Massa weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 28 June

The weather forecast for Friday 28 June in Massa indicate stable and sunny conditions for most of the day. In the morning, skies will be clear with light cloud cover around 5%. Temperatures will remain around +19-20°C, with a similar thermal perception. The wind will blow from the East – North East with a speed of approximately 5-6 km/h.

During the morning, the sky will remain mostly clear with a light presence of scattered clouds. Temperatures will gradually increase, reaching +26°C towards the central hours of the day. The wind will be oriented to the South West with an intensity varying between 1 and 7 km/h.

In the afternoon, skies will be mostly clear with less than 10% cloud cover. Temperatures will remain around +26-27°C, with a similar thermal perception. The wind will be predominantly from the West – South West with a speed of approximately 5-7 km/h.

In the evening, the weather conditions in Massa will remain stable with clear skies and a light presence of scattered clouds. Temperatures will be around +23-24°C, with a similar thermal perception. The wind will blow from the North – North East with a speed of approximately 5-6 km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Friday 28 June in Massa indicate a day characterized by good weather conditions, with clear skies and pleasant temperatures. The weather conditions are expected to be stable for the next few days too, with temperatures remaining at similar values ​​and winds of moderate intensity. Stay updated for any changes in the weather forecast in Massa.

All weather data for Friday 28 June in Massa

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