Marsala weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 28 June

The weather forecast for Friday 28 June in Marsala indicate good weather conditions for the entire day. There cloud cover will be 0% and no precipitation is expected.

During the Nightthe sky will be clear with temperatures hovering around 24°C. The wind will blow from the East – South East with a speed of approximately 7km/h.

To the Sunrisethe sky will remain clear and temperatures will begin to rise, reaching 26°C during the morning. The wind will always be light, coming from the North – North West with gusts up to 18km/h.

In the afternoonmaximum temperatures will be around 28-29°Cwith winds that will increase in intensity reaching 35km/h from the North. Humidity will be around the 53-54% and the atmospheric pressure will remain stable 1014hPa.

Also in eveningconditions will remain stable with clear skies and temperatures around 25°C. The wind will always be present, but with a speed that will tend to decrease.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Friday 28 June in Marsala confirms a day of good weather and pleasant temperatures. The weather conditions will remain stable in the next few days, with clear skies and light winds. Temperatures are expected to be in line with the seasonal average and no precipitation on the horizon.

All the weather data for Friday 28 June in Marsala

Complete weather forecast for Marsala

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