mobilized to defend the unity of the country

Approval of the DDL Differentiated autonomy, Bruni (Pd): The real battle begins now, we are already mobilized with many initiatives to defend unity and solidarity in the country

Press release

The approval of the Bill on Differentiated Autonomy represents “a concrete danger for the unity and solidarity of the country”. He reiterates it the regional councilor of the Democratic Party Amalia Bruni. The long night of discussion in the Senate which delivers the launch of the project, if completed, “will give institutional form to the territorial selfishness of the richest part of the country, amplifying and crystallizing the already existing territorial gaps, with very serious damage to the most vulnerable people and defenseless.”

“The vision of harmonious growth for the entire national territory also recalled by the Calabrian Episcopal Conference, does not pass through the “secession of the rich” but through the valorization of the peculiarities and of each particular reality, especially of the more peripheral areas – Bruni states -. I want to recall the document of the bishops that appealed to the principle of subsidiarity, quoting Pope Francis: the principle of subsidiarity has a double dynamism: from the top down and from the bottom up”.

“This approach recalls the importance of an inclusive policy that promotes equity and solidarity between the different regions of the country. We cannot think of creating a future of protection of constitutional rights for all – and I cite the guarantee of health and education as an example – where the Region-States, with very extensive powers in fundamental matters, will trigger a dynamic of disintegration of policies and interventions. The key words remain integration and solidarity. No one should be left behind.”

“This is not the time for resignation – said the Democratic regional councilor – Faced with the challenges posed by the approval of the law on differentiated autonomies we must mobilise, starting from the organization of opportunities for in-depth analysis and public discussion. We are already busy implementing numerous initiatives. We cannot remain indifferent: the awareness that the country will only have a future only if we all know how to intentionally weave and reweave bonds of solidarity at all levels is even stronger.”

“We must continue to fight – concludes Amalia Bruni – for a more united and supportive Italy, where every region can prosper without leaving the most vulnerable behind. Only in this way can we guarantee a better future for our region. The hardest battle begins now.”

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