“Transparency, the Municipality’s website has been down for days: impossible to know the documents”

“Transparency, the Municipality’s website has been down for days: impossible to know the documents”
“Transparency, the Municipality’s website has been down for days: impossible to know the documents”

“The site dedicated to the transparent administration of the Municipality of Piacenza is closed as of June 18th. This means that citizens, as well as City Councillors, do not have the opportunity to know the management decisions and council resolutions. In short, Councilors and citizens cannot know the choices made by the Administration”. This is what the council groups of Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Civica Barbieri-Liberi denounce. “It goes without saying – they say – that, in this way, the City Councilors cannot fulfill the role of controlling the administrative work which characterizes their role”.

“Certainly – they continue – we can understand the existence of some technological problems that prevent the updating of the website dedicated to transparent administration (even if eight days seems excessive), however it is important to note that last June 21st we expressly asked for the courtesy that , at the very least, the list of decisions and resolutions was sent to us; not only was this list not provided to us, but the request was not responded to in any way. Only thanks to in-depth research have we discovered – today – that the managerial decisions are uploaded (there is no way to understand since when…) on another website where, among other things, the council resolutions are still stuck on June 19th . It goes without saying that this change was not communicated to us in any way, despite repeated requests to be made aware of the documents approved by the organisation. Added to this is the failure to respond to questions and access to documents within the terms established by the City Council Regulations as well as the failure to respond to the relevant reminders”.

“It seems evident – ​​they conclude – how the role of the City Councilors – especially of the minority – is strongly compromised and debased, in the total silence and complete inertia of the Prime Minister, i.e. the one who said role should guarantee and protect”.

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