Palermo, Dionisi introduces himself to the fans / LIVE

4.38pm – De Sanctis: “The objectives to improve the squad are in all departments. What I can tell you is that as regards midfield and attack, ideally our market will have to deliver 7 players per department, in order to allow the coach to implement his tactical variations. We will try to do it as soon as possible, we promised the coach. Budget? I don’t have a budget that affects me. I am conditioned by the fact that I deliver a valid squad. We will not try to convince anyone to come to Palermo. We are particularly keen that there is awareness of the opportunity that Palermo represents for a footballer.”

4.33pm – Dionysis: “I have an idea about all the guys in the squad, even if a coach never stops knowing his players inside out. Desplanches? The goal is for there to be as much competition as possible, because it raises the level. I don’t make it a question of age. If a young person can give more than an “older” the young person plays.

4.27pm – Dionysis: “I spoke to all the players by telephone, because I wanted to convey to them what I expect from them. Then it is normal that in person it will be different. I wanted to introduce myself, so they already have my phone number in the address book – laughs ed.

4.24pm – De Santis on Segre: “He is a player who sweats for the shirt and gives everything. The contract renewal is a matter of details, we hope to announce it soon. Brunori? I’ll clear up any doubts: it’s part of Palermo’s 2024-25 technical project. No doubt about that.”

4.20pm – Dionysis: “Sacking? It’s an experience that has to be accepted. I’m sorry I didn’t finish my work at Sassuolo, but it’s part of my baggage. What I will expect from the team is availability and motivation. We start from a base of quality, but there must also be motivation in the players. We must make pressures become motivations. Difficulties will come, Serie B is a complex championship. We must work not to avoid having difficulties, but to always remain united”

4.17pm – The DS continues: “The market needs the right mix. On the one hand, experience is needed, even to manage a particular environmental factor. Playing in Palermo is not like playing in other places, the expectations of the place are high. On the other hand, youth is also needed: I would like young people to arrive who can feel important, already at the level of those with more experience”

4.12pm – “Every square is different, every season is different. I think I will have to adapt to the environment: it will not be easier or more difficult. My, our goal, is to create an identity. We must be a multiplier of enthusiasm in a square that has so much passion. I am very happy to be able to represent these unique colors and this city” DE SANCTIS: “The base of the team is good but it will certainly be improved. We have clear objectives and the positions on which we must work. We are convinced that in the right time all the pieces that need to be centered to improve can fit together”

4.07pm – Dionysis: “Am I an expert technician? To date, the category I know best is Serie D – the former Sassuolo coach modestly declares -, it’s the one in which I trained the most. Leave Serie A for Palermo? I took one step back to take three steps forward. I feel a great stimulus, the company certainly sensed it, otherwise they wouldn’t have contacted me. We want to improve on the good things this company has already done, which are a lot. We have pretty clear ideas. I didn’t come just to “sign a contract”

4.04pm – Word then immediately to Dionysi: “I’m really happy to be here. I sense great enthusiasm in the air.”

4.03pm – The conference opens with General Director Giovanni Gardini who presents the new DS Morgan De Sanctis: “I feel the responsibility and pride of being part of the sports area – says the latter -. I hope to satisfy and maintain a level that has always been there in Palermo”

4.00 pm – Start of press conference

It opens today, Wednesday 26 June, with the presentation press conference of the technician Alessio Dionisi, the new course of Palermo. The former Sassuolo coach arrives in Sicily after spending the last three seasons in Serie A on the bench of the Emilian club. Below are his first words in the rosanero.


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