“Also ready to occupy the Chamber”. Here’s what’s happening

“Also ready to occupy the Chamber”. Here’s what’s happening
“Also ready to occupy the Chamber”. Here’s what’s happening

THE Center-left regional councilorsduring the meeting with the press, held this morning in the regional council building, they forcefully reiterated:

“there condemnation of the inertia of a majority that does not pay attention to the interests of citizens and the needs of a region increasingly in difficulty in the socio-economic sectors and is, instead, taken by the political interests of one side which, not finding any solution, prevent the XII Legislature from actually starting, now months before the regional elections”.

The first to speak was the councilor of the Democratic Party, Piero Marrese, who talked about:

“irritual way of conducting the regional administration by Bardi and his majority who must understand that they are not at home.

The overriding interest is that of give answers to citizens and give them immediately, leaving aside the absolutely primary concerns of establishing the positions of power with the relative occupation of the seats.

We need to speed up taking into due account the major problems that beset the region in various sectors, from healthcare to the agricultural sector with the looming drought, to move on to the industrial sector.

And instead we continue to waste time, but time has largely run out and if the situation were to persist we are ready for much harsher forms of protest, including the occupation of the Council Chamber”.

The councilors of the Five Star MovementViviana Verri and Alessia Araneothey wanted:

“sending a strong signal: this is not – they said, addressing Bardi and his majority – the best way to start a political confrontation.

A way of doing things that is disrespectful of citizens and institutions, a total disappointment for someone modus operandi outside of any rules and any worthy political behaviorciting completely inconsistent reasons for a serious delay which does not place the Council in a position to exercise its role.

There the no longer postponable appointment of the executive is an unavoidable condition for addressing existing problems, not least those concerning tourisma sector that will have to become a truly driving force for the regional economy, considering the many types of workers who work there, as well as the valorisation and promotion of sites of national and international interest.

We therefore absolutely need councilors with whom we can discuss to give life to a process of growth and development, possibly in agreement for the collective good, a process which has remained hidden for too long”.

For the councilor of the Socialist Party, Antonio Bochicchio:

“the one implemented by the President of the still elusive Council is a joke worthy of the Commedia dell’Arte, but this time free from good and rich cultural traditions.

Absolutely disrespectful to do uyet another postponement or update whatever you want of the Regional Council without any dialogue with the minority.

It is true that political times are sometimes long, but they cannot become so long, especially if they are not dictated by valid reasons and which concern only the mere division of power”.

The councilor of the Democratic Party, Roberto Cifarelli, did not hesitate to estimate:

“the attitude of the majority and of those who lead it as a true ‘coup de main’ with rules taken and trampled on.

Bardi and Cupparo, senior advisor are not the masters of steam and we cannot continue to bypass the Regional Council with a simple collection of signatures to ask for the unjustified extension of the decision regarding the appointment of the Prime Minister, of the Bureau, of the guarantee bodies and, much less, of the Council.

In this way the role of the Council is illegitimately diminished and the people of Lucania who do not deserve similar treatment are guiltily forgotten.

You must come to the Council and say there what problems are plaguing you and what difficulties you are still unable to overcome. Transparency must distinguish the Assembly and it is up to you to make it so, while the reasons given for a now unacceptable delay are negligible: you even talk about the time needed to hold a ‘mass of national political meetings connected to the establishment of the new European Parliament ‘thinking of giving credibility to your inability to address the too many critical issues existing in the region, water crisis and necessary response to farmers for one thing, and the many delays accumulated at an administrative level, considering that there are hundreds of questions lying around, symptomatic of practically zero inspection activity.

Occupation of the Chamber as the most incisive form of protestso it is request for intervention to the Prefect to break your repeated denial of discussion and to place the Regional Council in the right conditions to be able to operate. A pregnant question – concluded Cifarelli – to the majority: are we still in democracy in Basilicata? If so, get organized.”

For the councilor of the Democratic Party, Piero Lacorazza:

“Bardi runs away from the Basilicata Regional Council, but he will not be able to escape the problems of the Lucanians who, in any case, even if a political agreement were to be reached between the majority forces, will pay for this delay and this violation of the rules.

Some concrete examples: responses on the water emergency, as well as on healthcare, will be delayed, responses on public transport will be delayed, replies will be delayed regarding the waiting for tenders, responses on budget adjustment and on the budgets of sub-regional bodies will be delayed, all of this causing serious problems for the administrative machinery, citizens and businesses”.

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