Protagonists in the territory: Municipality and Coldiretti at the ‘Estate Ragazzi’

Protagonists in the territory: Municipality and Coldiretti at the ‘Estate Ragazzi’
Protagonists in the territory: Municipality and Coldiretti at the ‘Estate Ragazzi’

PORTO VIRO (Rovigo) – … and so at the Oratorio Salesiano the Proposta Estate Ragazzi of 500 Portoviresi reaches its second week of activity. Events, activities and proposals follow one another through which children, young people, volunteers and families are actively involved.

Among the events to be highlighted is first of all the greeting from the municipal administration brought last Thursday, on behalf of the mayor Valeria Mantovan, from councilor Chiara Bovolenta and Francesca Pregnolato; precious moment to reaffirm the collaboration and support that the Oratory and the Administration have been carrying out for years in favor of the education of youth in the city. The invitation extended by the city institution to the boys was to be and become more and more a team every day, or a community on the move, protagonists of the growth of the city reality starting from the characteristics, sensibilities and personal abilities of each one.

On Friday, however, the participation of the third year middle school students from the oratory in the initiative of the Coldiretti Village in Venice was significant: a dive into products, activities and awareness of biodiversity. The trip to the lagoon was therefore a time for training for the kids, but also a time for fun and visiting the beauties of Venice; a journey between stands and enclosures to experience first-hand the centrality of agriculture in our country, the companies, the products, sit at the table for tastings, have the opportunity to visit the many displays of the agricultural world recreated in the lagoon. The initiative, sponsored and supported by Coldiretti and placed within the Oratorian training proposal ‘As if he saw the invisible’, represented an appropriate time to open our eyes to a reality, the agricultural one, with which life everyone’s daily life has to do at table time or at work, and which often risks remaining ‘invisible’ to the attention of younger people.

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