200 million cubic meters less in dams. The urgent request

200 million cubic meters less in dams. The urgent request
200 million cubic meters less in dams. The urgent request

The water availability in the main Lucanian dams, to date, is approximately 200 million cubic meters less than in the same period of 2023.

These findings are particularly alarming especially for the agricultural sector and for the negative effects that could be felt on the areas served.

Thus begins the document put in black and white by the CIA of Potenza and Matera.

There This situation worries farmers a lotalso due to the fact that the levels of invasion recorded are the worst in the last 15 years: we need to go back to 2008 to record levels below those present today.

In absolute terms, in addition to the clear contraction in availability compared to the same period of 2023, the levels stored in the main Lucanian dams now stand at 288 million m3, approximately 56 million m3 less in comparison with June 2020, the year in which the volumes of stored resources stood at approximately 334 million m3 and 3 million m3 more compared to 2008, a year in which only 285 million m3 were stored.

Cia Basilicata mentions 2008 and 2020 as they are remembered as the two years in which a very low rainfall rate was detected and, in turn, reduced levels of accumulation of water resources in the main Lucanian dams.

In light of the picture depicted, consider the current temperatures and forecasts which tend to confirm further weeks with very modest rainfall rates, It is necessary for Cia to adopt every useful solution aimed at promoting a rational and targeted use of water.

The document reads:

“We are all called to act with awareness and responsibility, starting from drinking use and at the same time as irrigation uses in agriculture, without forgetting other uses in these periods, starting from tourism.

With regard to the agricultural sector, it is essential, as well as necessary, to promptly adopt a use plan that takes into account actual availability, providing for any corrective and compensatory interventions which safeguard current crops and provide precise indications in relation to second and new crops.

The Reclamation Consortium did well to alert all the authorities in charge so that the quantities of water requested and agreed at the inter-institutional table for the governance of the water resource are confirmed, so as not to create inconveniences to the cultivation plans in progress, starting from those destined to the areas of northern Basilicata”.

Like Cia:

“We also ask that authorize the Consortium to carry out all maneuvers and operations for moving/unloading volumes of resources that can be activated between the Lucanian schemes, so as to be able to compensate for needs and availability with integration maneuvers between areas of the Lucanian territory.

This would allow us to address and resolve some emergency situations, in particular in the areas served by the S. Giugliano dam which today present situations of evident difficulty, intervene to resolve some evident critical issues in the areas of the Agri Valley and the Vulture Lavellese area”.

In view of the above, as Cia di Potenza and Matera:

“We ask that the crisis table for the management of water resources is established, in which the most representative agricultural professional organizations can also participate”.

From the Confederation remains the:

“full willingness to collaborate by providing all our contributions to best manage this complex phase, which requires appropriate and balanced solutions regarding the use and use of the water resource, an increasingly precious and vital asset for citizens and businesses”.

In any case:

“we cannot fail to underline once again the importance of proceeding with great diligence to complete or start the works that concern a large part of the structures and networks present in our Region – the document continues -.

It is urgent to do so also due to the funding provided at national and European level, those available and those that need to be further intercepted”.

Given what emerges with a certain cyclicality, according to Cia Basilicata:

“we must work without reservations on the side of the works functional to the accumulation and distribution of water resources with great commitment from everyone, starting from the regional institutions, to raise the quality of services in the blue gold supply chain and for the future of a large part of our economy.

First of all, given the effects of climate change, we need be able to count on reservoirs and connected structures, in addition to networks that must function at full capacity.

Unfortunately this is not the case today, both on the main reservoirs such as Montecotugno, Pertussillo, Camastra and San Giuliano but also on the smaller ones, such as Basentello or Gannano, we are waiting for the Marsiconuovo one to become fully operational.

Everything is functioning at reduced capacity or with requirements, including those of a structural nature.”

History aside Rendina Damfor which:

“There is no information regarding the planning stage and the related works for its implementation.

To date, the information circulating speaks of a financial requirement to proceed with an organic and complete intervention of over 120 million against an availability of only 43.

Given the strategic nature and importance of this work for the northern area of ​​Basilicata, every effort must be made to nominate it for the existing PNIISSI programmes.

This work is a priority and can no longer be postponed, as these areas are served through resources released by Puglia, through appropriate and formal agreements reached at the inter-institutional table for the governance of water resources in which the AdB of the southern Apennines, Acqua Sud, participates SPA, Puglia and Basilicata Regions and CdB”.

Now, the Cia Basilicata document concludes:

“we expect one of the main actions of the new regional executive to concern the structures, works and governance of water resources, as an increasingly central factor in the economic and social chessboard of our territories”.

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