Bari, proclamation and council within the next 10 days. Vaccarella in the team. All the names

Bari, proclamation and council within the next 10 days. Vaccarella in the team. All the names
Bari, proclamation and council within the next 10 days. Vaccarella in the team. All the names

By the end of next week there will be the official proclamation of mayor. Vito Leccese he will then be able to choose his team arrived and start implementing his program. The times will be dictated by the central electoral commission: it will be up to this body to establish the day of the proclamation, but, also comparing the performance of past years, the installation can take place within a maximum of ten days.

The city of Bari it will therefore have a mayor and probably a council by the first days of July, but we will have to wait some time for the city council. As Michelangelo Cavone, outgoing president of the city council and expert on the administrative machinery, explains. «Five years ago – recalls Cavone, elected councilor for the Democratic Party – the new Council took office in August, but the vote was held in May and there hadn’t even been a run-off. At this time I believe that the first Council meeting will be in September. In the meantime, the old Council will be able to meet but only for extraordinary matters.” As happened for example with off-balance sheet debts, the agreements for the transfers of some educational institutions and the management report. No ordinary measure can be decided by the old Assize. Leccese will necessarily have to wait for the proclamation of those elected. Which promises to be long also due to the presence of dozens of disputes over the votes assigned. Anomalies have been identified in many places, for example between the phonograms and the real data. In some cases the report was reopened and the discrepancies were identified. Entire parties found themselves with dozens of votes less among those recorded by the list representatives scattered across the various seats and those certified.

A composition of the Advise which could therefore change. In some cases the difference between one councilor and another is a handful of votes. Only one, for example, between Fabio Sisto and Micaela Paparella, five between Antonio Bozzo and Marco Bronzini. Therefore, after the checks and only in several weeks, the actual constitution of the Council will be known, also based on any resignations of the mayoral candidates (Fabio Romito and Michele Laforgia, should they decide not to occupy the position in the Council) and also on the various slippages of the lists following the appointment of the councilors. The Council will be made up of 36 members, 22 seats assigned to the majority who will be joined by the 6 of the Laforgiani who officially supported Leccese in the run-off. However, the six seats – technically – are included in the ranks of the opposition which will have a total of 14 seats. 8 chairs will therefore go to the centre-right.

The main issue, however, remains the government team that Leccese will have to choose. The pressure has increased in the last few hours from parties or individual candidates. The only certainty seems to be that of the 4 positions to be assigned to the Democratic Party, which could be either 4 departments or three departments and the presidency of the City Council. The entry of Elisabetta Vaccarella seems certain, before those elected in the Democratic Party and in all the majority and opposition coalitions: if at first the hypothesis of the presidency of the Council was concrete, it seems that from rumors, it is opting for a place on the council. Then there are the former councilors Pietro Petruzzelli and Paola Romano, whose place on the council should be guaranteed, also considering the step backwards they have made for the centre-left coalition regarding their candidacy for mayor. There would be many question marks regarding the delegations because it will be up to Leccese to decide whether to give a signal of discontinuity by changing the assigned departments or, based on the work carried out, to continue in the same “boxes”.

From Laforgia the request is for two positions, but only one should enter who could be either Francesca Bottalico, former Welfare councilor (who could also be indicated as deputy mayor) or Victor Laforgia for Educational Policies.

Two councilors will go to Decaro for Bari, even in this case the doubt remains whether to bring in the first two who would be former councilors (Vito Lacoppola and Carla Palone) or just one and choose a new entry. And finally the Con movement is also knocking on Leccese’s door, having brought in three councilors and is therefore aiming for at least one councillorship, perhaps assigned to Romeo Ranieri.



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