Italy Viva Lamezia against law on differentiated autonomy: ‘The city council should also work and approve a motion’

Italy Viva Lamezia against law on differentiated autonomy: ‘The city council should also work and approve a motion’
Italy Viva Lamezia against law on differentiated autonomy: ‘The city council should also work and approve a motion’

Lamezia Terme – “Italia Viva has always fought against the Calderoli law, voted on the night between 18 and 19 June, as it is contrary to the cardinal principles of our Constitutional Charter, first of all art. 5 in the part in which it defines ‘Italy one and indivisible’”. Thus, in a note, Antonino Costantino President of Italia Viva Lamezia Terme for whom “it is above all a law that divides Italy and undermines the South. This is because fundamental rights such as health, education and social welfare benefits, which are not fully and effectively guaranteed in our areas of the South, risk being further neglected, causing the population, already in great difficulty, to lose the hope of services better. This will lead young people from the South to plan their future elsewhere, abandoning the cities of the South.”

The law just passed, Costantino highlights, “will in fact allow the regions aiming for autonomy to be able to retain in their respective territories a part of the so-called regional fiscal residue, i.e. resources equal to difference between tax revenue and government spending that occur within their borders. We are therefore faced with what has been authoritatively defined as the “secession of the rich” (G. Viesti). It is no coincidence that the initiative was taken by the wealthiest regions of the country (Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna), starting from 2017. Nor do the Government’s reassurances on LEPs represent a guarantee in the absence of an exhaustive definition and above all of a financing guarantee. The application of this law will produce disastrous results in terms of social cohesion. Hence the cry of the Italian Episcopal Conference, which immediately expressed perplexity and concern on the topic of differentiated autonomy; in the words of SE Zuppi, the law risks “undermining the principle of solidarity”. In addition to starting a campaign to collect signatures for an eligible referendum to repeal the law, the Lamezia Terme party looks favorably on the initiative of regional presidents who are preparing the appeal to the Consulta, denouncing the unconstitutionality of the new rules”.

In line with them, and with the numerous Mayors who have already signed a request to this effect, from Italia Viva Lamezia they ask “that the City Council of the city approve a motiontrusting in the widest consensus, so that also the Calabria region led by President Occhiuto, who although as deputy secretary of Forza Italia could have worked better for the non-approval of the Calderoli Law, participate in the initiative to join the appeal to the Constitutional Court.”


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