Once the electoral hangover is over, I try to take a first look at the results that the ballots delivered to the Capitanata. In Manfredonia, Domenico La Marca’s success outlines a new hope. His victory was as clear as it was predictable right from the start because I believe that the difference was made by the profile of the character that I know well and not just now. Inclusive, plural personality, ethically formed on strong values ​​that he has worn since he was a boy. He won with his simplicity, his transparency, his meekness in a very complicated electoral campaign because Manfredonia was unable to come out of the fog of ugly politics. Now that he will go up to Palazzo San Domenico, the spaces for dialogue will reopen and he will be its guarantor because he has made active citizenship a belief throughout his life, like the great Faith that has always accompanied his step. Of course, he will have to compete with a whole world still marked by dark years, but his strength lies precisely in having chosen to accept this challenge. Mimmo La Marca will be the mayor of the return to politics, but also of the restoration of normality. With over ten thousand votes he is close to sixty percent. For the centre-right and for Ugo Galli a very heavy defeat, a result that confirms their vocation of the city of King Manfredi to continue a progressive path. In San Giovanni Rotondo the challenge was entirely internal to the centre-left which had knocked out the centre-right in the first round. A runoff that saw the outgoing mayor Crisetti, supported by the Democratic Party, and Filippo Barbano, pushed by civic leaders and the 5 Star Movement. The result rewarded Barbano, thanks also to the tenacious commitment of Giuseppe Conte, a large-scale success, with over two thousand votes behind him. A hard blow for Crisetti, also for the tones used during an electoral campaign in which he spared nothing against his opponent, using language that the electorate of the city of San Pio did not appreciate. Surprise in San Severo where the center-right overturns the result of the first round by promoting Lydia Colangelo who thus becomes the first female mayor in the history of the City. For Angelo Masucci, a well-known lawyer from the Foggia Bar, the defeat proved to be bitter considering the result achieved in the first round where he obtained a flattering 44 points compared to the 23 percent obtained by Colangelo. Here tactics and some hunchback shots had easy play. On the one hand, the failure of the popular list to join the centre-left cartel and on the other the non-candidacy of some people in the Democratic Party, because they were considered embarrassing, had a surprise effect, thanks also to the positions taken by the outgoing Mayor, Francesco Miglio who he thus reaps the meager satisfaction of handing over the city he led for ten years with the center-left to the right.

Of Micky de Finis

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