Six Bruciamo Tutto activists arrested

Six Bruciamo Tutto activists arrested
Six Bruciamo Tutto activists arrested

The Trinità dei Monti steps in Piazza di Spagna in Rome have been daubed with red paint. It is the blitz of the Bruciamo tutto activists, who, after yesterday’s suspended action, have returned to the trident area. Six were arrested.

Activists of Let’s burn everything on the Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti

Activists from “Let’s burn everything” have smeared with red paint there steps of Trinità dei Monti in Rome. The blitz occurred today morning, Wednesday 26 June, at Piazza di Spagna, in the heart of the historic center. Around 10 am the activists silently climbed the steps, blending in with the passers-by. A girl let out a scream, to attract attention and what – as explained by the activists – was immediately poured out painting for children, along the steps, from top to bottom. Then the activists unfurled a banner. The officers of the local police of Rome Capital of the I Historic Center Group, who were nearby, blocked them a few moments later, putting an end to the protest in front of the eyes of dozens of disbelieving tourists.

Six stopped for the red painting on the steps of Trinità dei Monti

Six people were identified and arrested for having defaced the Trinità dei Monti steps in Piazza di Spagna. The traffic police have notified the Superintendence staff of what happened, who will take care of the cleaning and assessment of any damage caused to the monument. In the meantime the staircase has been cordoned off. State Police officers were also present on site.

Yesterday seven activists were stopped with 20 liters of red paint

The activists of “Bruciamo tutto” had already tried to carry out the protest yesterday, but the state police officers stopped seven of them in the trident area, seizing two cans containing well 20 liters of red paint. It would presumably have been used for anonviolent action, a raid that failed yesterday due to the intervention of the police. But the activists were not discouraged and the following day they returned to action, this time managing to stage the protest in front of dozens of tourists, who this morning were walking in one of the most famous squares in the world.

Activists of Let’s burn everything in Piazza di Spagna with 20 liters of pink paint: seven arrested

What are the Bruciamo tutto activists protesting for?

The “Let’s burn everything” activists protest to ask the government to improve what already exists freedom incomea per capita contribution on a monthly basis for a maximum of twelve months to women who have suffered or are subjected to violence, followed by anti-violence centers recognized by the regions and social services. “It is no longer possible for a person socialized as a woman to die from violence caused by patriarchy” explains an activist protesting on the steps of Trinità dei Monti.

“This is the blood of violence out of the forty people socialized as women, who died, killed after Giulia Cecchettin – explains another activist, referring to the meaning of the red paint – Ben forty feminicides since November 11, since Giulia’s death and that have gone unnoticed. We invite all realities, feminists and transfeminists to mobilize with us on July 6, 2024 at 6 pm in San Lorenzo. We will meet for a dispute for a measure of financial support for people who suffer violence in their own homes.”

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