half was already foreseen and will be “subtracted” – QuiFinanza

There is no time to waste regarding the Campi Flegrei. The bis decree on the emergency in Campania has arrived, with the government having found the necessary resources. However, an outburst broke out controversy towards Municipalities and Region, with the words of the Minister of Civil Protection Nello Musumeci which generated harsh reactions. He will be the one to indicate the new commissioner extraordinarywho will remain in office until 31 December 2027.

The funds for the Campi Flegrei

The bis decree on the emergency in the Campi Flegrei provides for an investment from 442 million eurosdistributed until 2027. There are actually two coverages, Minister Fitto clarified: “200 million on the side of share attributed to the Campania Regionbased on the request made by the Region itself, to which we add 200 million in funding from Development and cohesion funds”.

More are also planned 20 million for what is one of the most immediate problems, theemergency housing. We talk about the damage to private buildings caused by the seismic swarm but, it is worth underlining, we indicate how these contributions cannot go beyond 2025. Contributions that are not due, moreover, in the event that “the housing need has been temporarily satisfied free of charge by a public administration”, highlights the decree.

As regards timing, the need to accelerate the implementation of the necessary investments in the Campania region is obvious. The total sum of was therefore assigned to the Region 388,557,000 euros, with a resolution of the Cipess which must be adopted within a maximum period of one month. A sum divided into two brackets:

  • 139,250 euros for 2024;
  • 417,750 euros for 2025.

Special Commissioner

As mentioned, it will be the task of Minister Musumeci appoint an extraordinary commissioner. An act following which the settlement will take place within two weeks, after the issuing of a Prime Ministerial Decree. In office until 31 December 2027will have a role in coordinating the various interventions and the use of resources, also with reference to projects connected to the Pnrr.

The political air is very tense and the minister’s words certainly do not calm people down: “The management of the emergency cannot be entrusted to the Region or the Municipalities. We are verifying the activity that has been carried out and what remains to be carried out.”

As regards possible names, in recent days that of the prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari, had been feared. A choice probably discarded, due to a managerial figure real.

The controversy

The funds allocated by Giorgia Meloni’s government would not be sufficient, since the indicated figure, equal to 442 million euros, does not correspond to reality. Better said, he understands 200 million attributed to the FSC sharealready due to Campania, as underlined by the mayor of Pozzuoli, Luigi Manzoni: “They settle down resources by subtracting them from funds already allocated to our territories. Furthermore, the 20 million for private construction are inadequate. The territory of Pozzuoli has long been subjected to the constraint of total non-buildability, opposing any possible new construction of residential homes (in response to the ban underlined by the minister), such as the proposal to build new apartments for residential use in the former Sofer Area ”.

Once again, however, Musumeci thought to exasperate the tone, wanting to stigmatize what are the clear responsibilities attributable to the local ruling classes. He underlined that the executive was not required to act with such economic scope.

“The government is giving more than it has the duty to give on the Campi Flegrei. This is because very serious responsibilities emerge, remote or otherwise, omissive and omissive, which involve all the anti, starting with the Region and the Municipalities involved, namely Naples, Pozzuoli and Bacoli”.

At the base there would be the authorization given to one urban development considered chaotic and disorderlywithout taking into account the dangers looming in the area.

We then talked, obviously, about the contribution from 400 to 900 euros per person per month, eligible for integration, for people forced to leave their homes. Even in this case, however, a harsh reprimand was issued, with tones of open challenge: “The government doesn’t intend to make a single penny for illegal homes or second homes”.

Campi Flegrei, tests and evacuation drills

Scheduled for second civil protection exercise, scheduled for May and postponed due to the earthquake swarm. The general feeling, however, is not the best. In fact, there is fear of little participation from the population. All combined with widespread suspicion regarding these practices, with widespread tests and alarms that could “scare tourists”.

The day was important tomorrow, June 26th, which involves verifying the functionality of some waiting areas and their organization in municipal planning. Once the alarm has been issued, citizens will be invited to go to the waiting areas closest to their homes: two in Pozzuoli and the same number in Bacoli, and one in Naples. The system for recording the immediate needs of fragile subjects was also tested.

The planned activities also include the setting up of a base camp for the mobile fire brigade columns, various information points for the population and the activation of volunteers, so as to guarantee support for the coordination centres, information, telecommunications and assistance to the population. Around 80 thousand people live in the area most at risk but, given this number, there could be only a few dozen who take part in the test.

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