School transport in Fiumicino: Improvements and news for 2024/2025

Last updated on 25 June 2024 by Francesco Giuliani

Strengthening of the School Transport Service a Fiumicino

The Municipal Administration of Fiumicino is working to improve and strengthen the school and local transport service for students in the next academic year. With the aim of making the service more efficient, some changes have been made based on citizen reports collected over the last year. Thanks to the collaboration with Cotral, valid alternatives are offered during peak hours to facilitate student travel.

Changes and Increases in the Transport Service

One of the main improvements made concerns Line 5, which connects Fiumicino to Ostia. After the success of the previous year, with a significant increase in students heading to high schools through this service, the Administration has decided to guarantee the continuity of the service for the next academic year. This service not only helps students, but also acts as a strategic connection between the area, the railway stations and the metropolitan network. Furthermore, a green approach is promoted by offering discounts on transport season tickets to reduce costs for families based on the ISEE, with discounts of up to 50%.

Collaboration with Schools and Optimization of Timetables

Councilor Angelo Caroccia announced a strengthening of collaboration with school directors to coordinate entry and exit times from the schools. This effort aims to improve the management of school transport and make student travel smoother. The objective is to guarantee an efficient and functional service that responds to the needs of the school community, contributing to an easier and safer study experience for all Fiumicino students.


Municipal Administration of Fiumicino: This is the local government body responsible for the management and administration of public affairs in the municipality of Fiumicino. The municipal administration deals with services and initiatives that concern citizens, such as the organization of transport, urban planning, the management of schools and the provision of social services.

Cotral: It is the Lazio public transport company that manages buses and road transport lines in the region. Collaborating with the Municipal Administration of Fiumicino, Cotral offers transport services that include lines for school and local transport, guaranteeing connections between different destinations within the region.

Line 5: This is one of the transport lines managed by Cotral that connects Fiumicino to Ostia, two coastal cities located near Rome. This line is particularly important for students who attend high schools in the two cities, facilitating travel between different destinations.

Councilor Angelo Caroccia: He is a member of the Municipal Administration of Fiumicino who holds the role of councillor, i.e. a councilor with executive functions. In this case, Angelo Caroccia is responsible for policies and initiatives related to transport and mobility in the municipality. He is involved in coordinating with schools to optimize timetables and improve transport service for students.

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