New City Council in Pavia: Distribution of Delegations and Key Names

New City Council in Pavia: Distribution of Delegations and Key Names
New City Council in Pavia: Distribution of Delegations and Key Names

Last updated on June 25, 2024 by Marco Mintillo

Distribution of Delegations and Key Appointments in the New City Council

The New Mayor of Pavia, Michele Lissiapresented the new City Council on Tuesday morning, also taking into consideration the electoral contribution of the lists that formed the coalition for the victory. As expectedthe position of vice mayor was assigned to Alice Moggi Of Pavia in Color, record woman of preferences. The delegations assigned to her concern the departments of Public Works, Heritage, Common Goods, decorum and care of the city, Enhancement of Ticino and waterways, Legality and mobility. The Budget, Taxes and General Affairs and Personnel have been entrusted to Matteo Pezza of the PD.

Educational, Aggregative and Other Policies: Delegations assigned

Giampaolo Anfosso Of Pavia in Color will be responsible for educational and aggregation policies, civic awareness, work, participation and healthcare. Cristina Barbieri of the PD will deal with cultural policies and will collaborate with Vittorio Pomaformer president of the Province of Pavia, head of a commission for culture. Rodolfo Faldini Of Let’s hit the bullseye it will deal with the local police, commerce, civic and cemetery services, and toponymy. Alessandra Fuccillo Of Adv it will deal with Education and also with Equal Opportunities. Francesco Brendolisea veteran of Palazzo Mezzabarba, who became a former dem, will be responsible for social policies, housing and social inclusion, international cooperation and twinning, while Angela Gregorini of the PD it will deal with sport, youth policies, tourism, animal care and welfare. The 5 Star Movement is represented on the Board by Lorenzo Goppiappointed councilor for the environment, sustainability, energy transition and energy policies.

Presidency of the City Council and Chief of Cabinet: Assigned Roles

The PD holds the presidency of the municipal council, with Fabio Castagnaand the role of Chief of Staff will be filled by Giuliano Ruffinazzi.


  • 1.
Michele Lissia: New Mayor of Pavia. The mayor of a city is the highest authority elected by the local people to represent their interests. The mayor’s responsibilities include overseeing the management of the city, setting local policies, and promoting the well-being of citizens.

2. Alice Moggi: Deputy mayor of Pavia. The vice mayor is a member of the municipal council who replaces the mayor in case of absence or impediment. He usually has specific delegations including supervising different sectors of the municipal administration.

3. Matteo Pezza: Councilor for Budgets, Taxes, General Affairs and Personnel. Councilors are members of the municipal council who deal with specific areas such as finances, urban planning, culture, security, etc. They have the task of managing and coordinating the administrative activities of the city.

4. Giampaolo Anfosso: Responsible for Educational and Aggregative Policies, Civic Awareness, Work, Participation and Healthcare. You have the task of defining and implementing policies and programs relating to education, training, work and health in the city context.

5. Cristina Barbieri: Deals with Cultural Policies. Cultural policies concern the promotion of culture and artistic activities within the community, including events, exhibitions, performances, contributions to cultural institutions, etc.

6. Vittorio Poma: Former president of the Province of Pavia. He has political and institutional experience and will collaborate with Cristina Barbieri for culture.

7. Rodolfo Faldini: Deals with local police, commerce, civic and cemetery services and toponymy. The Local Police manages city security at the local level, Commerce concerns commercial activities, Civic Services covers services to the population and Toponymy deals with the naming of streets.

8. Alessandra Fuccillo: Deals with Education and Equal Opportunities. It has the task of promoting education and ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens.

9. Francesco Brendolise: Responsible for Social Policies, Housing, Social Inclusion, International Cooperation and Twinning. You deal with support for the weakest sections of the population, housing policies, social integration and cooperation with external bodies.

10. Angela Gregorini: Deals with Sport, Youth Policies, Tourism, Animal Care and Welfare. It manages sports programs, promotes youth activities, develops local tourism and takes care of the protection and welfare of animals.

11. Lorenzo Goppi: Councilor for the Environment, Sustainability, Energy Transition and Energy Policies. He has the task of defining policies for environmental protection, sustainability, the transition to clean energy and the control of energy policies.

12. Fabio Castagna: President of the City Council. He presides over the sessions of the City Council, the city’s representative and deliberative body.

13. Giuliano Ruffinazzi: Chief of Staff. The head of cabinet assists the Mayor and the City Council in managing administrative activities and in making political decisions. He plays a key role in the internal and external communication of the administration.

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