Violence in the city centre, Udine bans alcohol in clubs after 1pm and deploys the army. The squeeze arrives (already highly contested)

Violence in the city centre, Udine bans alcohol in clubs after 1pm and deploys the army. The squeeze arrives (already highly contested)
Violence in the city centre, Udine bans alcohol in clubs after 1pm and deploys the army. The squeeze arrives (already highly contested)

UDINE – The Army moving from the former Cavarzerani to the city center, the mixed foot patrols of carabinieri and policemen who will further patrol the nightlife streets but also a new ordinance, already highly contested, to limit the sale of alcoholic beverages in the premises , with stops from 1am in the center and from 6pm in the area surrounding the station. Finally, the collection of glass outside the bars, through the Net, to limit the presence of bottles. Udine locks itself down after the provincial committee for order and security convened by the prefect Domenico Lione after the last two episodes: the brawl resulting in the attack on the entrepreneur of Japanese origin Shimpei Tominaga – hospitalized in desperate conditions in hospital and the stabbing of a 39-year-old in via Roma, also welcomed in serious conditions at the Santa Maria della Misericordia.


«A necessary tightening after the latest episodes of violence», stated the mayor Alberto Felice De Toni. «Our hope was that the increase in controls and supervision of the city implemented by neighborhood police, joint patrols, security guards, were sufficient measures. Unfortunately it’s not enough.” On the part of the Prefecture, Lyon added, “it was decided to place an army patrol in the center in addition to the increase in the so-called joint foot patrols”. With respect to participatory security, the presence of retired law enforcement personnel who already fall within a foreseen norm and will not be carrying out control activities but contacting citizens is confirmed, especially in terms of information on attacks and scams.


The ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages and spirits to take away will be set from 9pm to 6am. The ban will be brought forward to 6pm in the streets belonging to the so-called Magnolie District. Furthermore, it was decided to ban the serving of alcoholic beverages starting from 1 am throughout the entire municipal area. «To understand the reason for so much violence we should talk to a sociologist, unfortunately I think alcohol plays its part and for this very reason there will be a 60-day ordinance to limit its use, explained Mayor De Toni – We will then have to be rigorous in the checks because, as decided with the police commissioner, if some shopkeeper continues to sell them we could even end up closing the place”. The outburst of the managers of public businesses did not take long to arrive: «They are sentinels in the area, it is wrong to penalize them, preventing them from carrying out their activities», declared Confcommercio Udine, with the district president Giuseppe Pavan. «The city has suffered another dramatic episode of gratuitous violence, observed Pavan and the Fipe manager Giovanni Pigani. We welcome the strengthening of the presence of the police but we reject the provision of a ban on the sale of alcohol.”


The investigating judge Carlotta Silva will express her opinion today regarding the validation of the arrests of the five people identified and stopped by the police after the events of Saturday night: they are young people between the ages of 19 and 30, three of whom reside in the province of Treviso between Mareno di Piave and Conegliano. Among these Samuele Battistella, who allegedly threw the punch and who yesterday provided his version of events to the judge explaining the dynamics of the facts, assisted by the lawyer Giovanni Stellato. Non-custodial measures and a ban on residence in Fvg were requested for the other two Ukrainians involved in the dispute. An investigation into the episode has been opened at the Prosecutor’s Office, currently involving aggravated brawling and very serious injuries, which could turn into manslaughter in the event of the death of the 56-year-old. Another file has also been opened on the brawl on Saturday evening in Borgo Stazione, where a 39-year-old of Dominican origins was stabbed.


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The Gazzettino

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