«I believe in justice, but I can only pray»

Now they all come with the adjective in hand, ready to judge, to pontificate, to wink knowingly. And who knows where they were while she, day after day, raised him, clearing away dangers, going around obstacles, crossing her fingers because here too, in Pescarain the provincial town, luck rules half of existence and maybe even more. “Everyone is good at talking now” says the mother of one of those arrested for the murder of Christopher Thomas Luciani, a lawyer by profession, a mother forever. They call her and she answers devastated and yet somehow proud, almost as if her reluctance were abdication: «I can’t say much, there is the secrecy of the investigation. But I can say what concerns me: I pray for those who are here and for those who are no longer here». It is clear that she is talking about him, about young Christopher, the victim. But we also understand that, in this story reconstructed by the policemen of the Pescara flying squad, there is a great absence and that is pity.

The mother-lawyer: «Responsibilities to be clarified»

THE two minors arrested for the crime with their smartphones full of categorical imperatives, they also clicked on the contents of The Borderline, the youtuber involved in the accident during a car challenge in which a five-year-old boy died. However, the two seem impervious to all this, perhaps more interested in their microcosm than in the rest. Their smartphones, handed over to the judicial authorities, will sooner or later tell what they were doing. But do you know what your son was thinking about? What did she have in mind?
He breathes on the other end of the phone and then speaks resolutely: «I don’t know completely. Responsibilities must be clarified, it takes time. I know I have to wait.” And we understand that there is still a thread of hope. The possibility, essential for her, that her son is not the one most responsible. What she would like to hear is that it’s not her fault, her son. On the other hand, there was only one knife, who would have wielded it?

“I have faith in justice”

They say that the victim, a lady, was crouching down to block the blows. There are traces of blows, delivered at the end of the stab wounds. There’s talk of spitting, but who knows, maybe that’s an exaggeration. According to the investigators, the two boys would have done more and perhaps worse, at least from a criminal point of view. After the stabbing they would attempted to intimidate their friends into not disclosing what had happened (but one of them notified the police). Then they went to the seaside, an evening swim, with the warm water and the conscience pounding to come out, probably repressed until that moment. «I have my job that gives me faith in justice And my faithI don’t want to say more”, greets her, the mother.

The icy reaction in front of the carabinieri

Let’s recap then: a 16-year-old with little history was stabbed for what it appears a negligible debt (200-250 euros is the sum, confirmed by investigators) due to the purchase of drugs. Two spring-loaded seventeen-year-olds are in custody.
There will be an investigation by the minors’ prosecutor’s office which, with the known confidentiality, will establish what happened on Sunday evening at Baden Powell park, a private and peaceful corner in which to take your dogs for a walk.
However, everything seems to have taken place in less than a quarter of an hour. The argument, the reaction, the estrangement of the two. And then the arrest, the arrogant version offered to the investigators (shocked despite their experience), the glacial reaction towards the victim’s death. As if they were still accompanied, the next day, by blind anger. It will take time, Manuela is right about this.

Lawyer Giancola: «As parents you need to have luck»

Maybe it can apply to all that the lawyer of one of the two, Biagio Giancola, he says in a moment of reflection and despondency at the same time: «There are no recipes, there are no secrets. The job of parenting is simply an impossible job in which you need to be lucky. Now please don’t say there was a lack of parental control because that’s simply not true. My clients monitored their child, even checking the contents of their cell phone. But who can judge? I repeat, luck is everything.” Even for those who, in this matter, have had none at all.

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