VAT, an evasion of 14 billion euros in Italy Italpress news agency

June 24, 2024

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Among the five main European countries, Italy has the worst figure for VAT evasion. We have a potential revenue of 135.58 billion euros against 120.98 billion actually collected and a gap of 14.6 billion, equal to 10.8%. This is what emerges from a report by the Unimpresa Study Center. Germany has a VAT gap of 2.8%. France, despite having had problems in the past, has achieved – according to Unimpresa – better results than our country, so much so that the transalpine VAT hole has fallen from 8.5% to 4.9% in 2022. Spain, on the other hand, represents a real success story, with a VAT shortfall that went from 5.5% to 0.8% and a hole of just 660 million. The Netherlands, at 0.2%, stands out as the country with the lowest VAT gap among major European countries. “a sign – according to Unimpresa – of an extremely efficient tax system and high compliance on the part of taxpayers”. If the comparison is extended to Belgium, Portugal and Greece, Italy is second only to the latter in terms of inefficiency in VAT collection. “Italy’s improvement between 2021 and 2022 must represent a further stimulus for the government to continue along the path of reform and simplification”, says the president of Unimpresa, Giovanna Ferrara. sat/mrv

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