Reggio Calabria: great success for the second prevention day “STOP heavy legs and swollen ankles” organized by Dr. Tromba

Reggio Calabria: great success for the second prevention day “STOP heavy legs and swollen ankles” organized by Dr. Tromba
Reggio Calabria: great success for the second prevention day “STOP heavy legs and swollen ankles” organized by Dr. Tromba

Great turnout at the second prevention day organized by Dr. Domenico Tromba, well-known endocrinologist and councilor of the Medical Association of Reggio Calabria, on a very frequent pathology at all ages and in both sexes “venous insufficiency”.

Chronic venous insufficiency represents the most frequent vascular pathology. Although an increase in circulatory problems is also being observed in men, it is above all women who suffer from them: pregnancy and early use of the contraceptive pill are some of the most frequent causes. The main risk factors are sedentary lifestyle, weight gain and obesity, heredity and hormonal disorders. In fact, it is estimated that 20-30% of women suffer from it, compared to 10% in men.

Furthermore, foot and posture defects, chronic constipation, prolonged exposure to heat which causes vasodilation and occupational activities which require maintaining an upright position for prolonged periods may have an impact.

The Dr. Tromba has always been interested in prevention and has also written texts on the need to carry out checks, such as the thyroid abecedary and the nutrition abecedary.

The expert endocrinologist has chosen to bring the prevention days of the “STOP heavy legs and swollen ankles” program to the city:

“Venous insufficiency means a circulation disorder – explains a well-known endocrinologist from Reggio Emilia and president of the Science and Life association – whose origin is due to the difficulty of the blood returning to the heart. This condition is quite frequent and is often caused by certain alterations of a pathological nature inherent to the veins. Among these conditions there is deep vein thrombosis, varicose veins and stasis dermatitis. Another cause of venous insufficiency is an excessive functional load of the veins, due to postural alterations or lymphedema”. Those suffering from venous insufficiency have tension and swelling in the lower limbs, which are often accompanied by conditions such as: calf cramps; generalized hypoxia; thickening/hyper-skin ulcers;skin pigmentation.

The Dr. Trumpet which for about 30 years has highlighted how important it can be to combat this serious pathology.

“A preventative lifestyle can help counteract venous insufficiency – says the doctor again. Trumpet – some good general practices can be: preferring a diet rich in fibre, useful for fighting constipation, and vitamin C, taking flavonoids (antioxidants) such as centella, blueberry, berries, green tea and others, above all in seasonal changes

avoid both a sedentary lifestyle and a constant upright position as much as possible, walk at least an hour a day, use heels no higher than 3-4 cm, avoiding sneakers, frequently hydrate the skin to combat dryness, avoid long exposure to heat, avoid wearing tight shoes, sleep with your feet higher than your head, maintain a normal body weight”.

The well-known endocrinologist concludes by saying that even in this pathology, prevention is the medicine of the future.

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