In Pianfei we talk about Artificial Intelligence in the Confagricoltura Cuneo assembly

In Pianfei we talk about Artificial Intelligence in the Confagricoltura Cuneo assembly
In Pianfei we talk about Artificial Intelligence in the Confagricoltura Cuneo assembly

Thursday 4 Julystarting at 5pm, at the “La Ruota” restaurant (Monregalese state road, 5) of Pianfei will take place onannual meeting of Confagricoltura Cuneo, an opportunity for discussion and friendship for members. Of particular relevance is the theme chosen for the public debate, entitled “Artificial Intelligence: a revolution (also) in the agricultural sector”, which will propose a reflection on the potential and opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in the primary sector, led by Professor Massimo Giordani, innovation manager, president of AISM – Italian Association for Marketing Development and of the Narratori del gusto association. To participate, you can sign up at the Confagricoltura area offices by Monday 1st July. For information, call 0171/692143 extension 7 or write to [email protected]. The conference is organized with the support of Sedamyl.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) already today, but increasingly in the future, will have a considerable impact on all production systems, including agriculture, improving the efficiency, sustainability and productivity of the sector – he declares Enrico Allasiapresident of Confagricoltura Cuneo, -. Thanks to data analysis, for example, it is possible to optimize the use of natural resources such as water or fertilizers and plant protection products, reducing waste and environmental impact. Furthermore, AI-based monitoring systems can provide more accurate weather forecasts and detect diseases and infestations early, allowing for timely and targeted interventions. As Confagricoltura we have always been very attentive to technological developments and innovations and with our debate in the assembly we want to analyze future developments in the application of AI in agriculture”.

The afternoon program includes, after the institutional greetings, the report by Enrico Allasiapresident of Confagricoltura Cuneo, and the speeches of Massimiliano Giansantinational president of Confagricoltura, via video link, and of Massimo Giordani. Following will be the presentation of HubFarm, a digital platform that provides companies with tools and resources to simplify activities, improve operational efficiency and promote sustainable agriculture, and the related project promoted in collaboration with the Cuneo Chamber of Commerce which will allow agricultural companies, in the coming months , to test it. The trailer will also be screened docufilm “Another summer will come”on the transhumance of the Lando family of breeders and the awards will be presented “Golden Plough” And “Agricultural Pride“. The event will conclude with a dinner for members, followed by an evening of dancing.

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