Gender violence: Association criticizes article (deemed sexist) in the Gazzetta di Modena

Gender violence: Association criticizes article (deemed sexist) in the Gazzetta di Modena
Gender violence: Association criticizes article (deemed sexist) in the Gazzetta di Modena

MODENA – On Sunday 23 June 2024, the Gazzetta di Modena published an italics by Picca entitled “When the family tells you…verbal violence against the poor male”. An article that provoked comment from the feminist cultural association Blu Bramante

“l’à pisee fora”

“Picca usually makes you laugh. Not this time. She pissed out of the jar. L’à pisee fora dal ves to use his fake common sense jargon that winks at the (male) reader. Trivializing the theme of violence by telling of an imaginary good old time where women knew how to defend themselves with rolling pins and ‘nuclear fucks’ is not only false but offensive. And a little stupid too.

Not a culture of whining

Those phrases used for the Region’s campaign against gender violence are not an example of ‘whining culture’ but blunt objects that many ‘poor’ males use against their wives, partners, daughters, sisters.

Real victims

And putting them in writing, ‘in big letters’, is not, as Picca suggests, a form of politically correct victimism. Simply because there are serious victims here and there are many of them, beaten, injured and often killed. The fact is that now giggling and nudging each other on serious issues, like at the bar, has become a national sport, encouraged by a government that considers all rights a privilege for radical chic.”

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