the first meeting of the FAI Youth Basilicata Groups is underway. The details

the first meeting of the FAI Youth Basilicata Groups is underway. The details
the first meeting of the FAI Youth Basilicata Groups is underway. The details

“All the Good You DO” and the first workshop of the FAI Youth Basilicata Groups which will be held in Matera on 28 June, at 6.30 pm at and in synergy with Casa Noha, a meeting of the FAI Youth Groups established or in the process of being established in Basilicata.

It will be the opportunity to rewind the tape of the history of FAI Youth in the Regionclosely linked to that of the FAI Casa Noha property, inaugurated on 28 February 2014, and for imagine new perspectives of commitment for the future, with the sharing of good practices and programmatic ideas.

The meeting will be opened by a presentation speech by Rosalba Demetrio, FAI Regional President of Basilicata.

A will followa visit to the FAI Casa Noha propertyin which the Volunteers will be accompanied by Donatella Acito, Property Manager of Casa Noha.

The Young Volunteers involved will then be the protagonists of a round table to share strategic perspectives and good practicescoordinated by Carmelo Nicolò Benvenuto, FAI Youth Group Leader from Matera, host city and official headquarters of the Lucanian FAI Regional Presidency.

The meeting, promoted by the FAI Regional Presidency of Basilicata, in collaboration with Casa Noha and with the FAI Youth Basilicata Coordination, intends to bring together in the single FAI asset of the Region all the young people active in the FAI in its regional dimension.

The FAI Youth Groups already established and operating in the area, those in the process of being established and those still embryonic, but certainly destined to soon give, in turn, results of great novelty and interest in the FAI valorisation process of Basilicata will participate.

Ideally connecting ourselves to the origins of the FAI Youth commitment in Basilicata (2013), we thus intend to promote a first important internal sharing event at Casa Noha.

Everyone’s participation is hoped forVolunteers, aged between 18 and 35who are active within the FAI Delegations and Groups in Basilicata, and of those who, in this age group, want to share the FAI’s commitment in the Lucanian territorial network.

Link to the national FAI website

Appointment at 6.30 pm at Casa Noha, Recinto Cavone 9 (Matera)

It will be possible to register for the FAI during the event.

For information: [email protected]

Below is the poster with the details.

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