Melfi weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 25 June

The weather forecast in Melfi for Tuesday 25 June they predict variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, the sky will be overcast with a probability of light rain, while more significant rainfall is expected in the afternoon and towards the evening.

During the morning, starting from the early hours, the sky will be overcast with a cloud cover of around 98%. Temperatures will be around +27.9°C, with a perception of +27°C. The wind will blow from the South – South West with a speed of up to 24.2km/h. The humidity will be 30% and the atmospheric pressure will remain stable at 1012hPa.

In the afternoon, the sky will remain overcast with cloud cover around 97-99%. Maximum temperatures will be around +30.3°C, with a perception of +28.9°C. The wind will blow from the South West with gusts that can reach up to 35.8km/h. Humidity will remain around 28-33% and atmospheric pressure will be around 1011-1012hPa.

In evening, the weather conditions in Melfi will be characterized by light rain with cloud cover that will vary between 20% and 27%. Temperatures will drop, with values ​​around +17-21°C. The wind will still come from the South – South West with a speed that will be around 5-6km/h. Humidity will increase to 78% and atmospheric pressure will remain stable at 1012hPa.

In conclusion, variable weather conditions are expected in Melfi on Tuesday 25 June with overcast skies and light rain alternating with clear spells. We recommend paying attention to precipitation throughout the day and keeping an eye on the weather forecast for any updates.

All the weather data for Tuesday 25 June in Melfi

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