“Prostrate and heartbroken.” Mourning at Carnival

“Prostrate and heartbroken.” Mourning at Carnival
“Prostrate and heartbroken.” Mourning at Carnival

Ferrara, 24 June 2024 – He is free the 44-year-old from Saint Joseph arrested in the night between Friday and Saturday for having run over and killed Ivana Ferronithe mom 39 year old who was spending a party evening in a bar in Lido delle Nazioni together with her boyfriend, who was also injured in the accident.

The man was finished ai home because he was found driving his Volvo with a blood alcohol level of 1.30 milligrams per liter, i.e almost triple than permitted. The prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation into the incident and two consultations will be arranged in the next few days to clarify the contours of the incident. The first will be theautopsy on the body of the victim, whose assignment will be given today. Tomorrow, however, it will be the turn of the cinematic consultancy, through which the investigators want to crystallize the exact dynamics of the accident. In the meantime, the seizure of the car was confirmed.

“It is a misfortune of great importance – were the only words of the suspect’s defender, the lawyer Alessandro Pierotti, who is waiting to be able to consult the file –. My client is prostrate And heartbroken for what happened.” While the judiciary takes its steps in the investigation into the accident that cost the woman her life, a Comacchio it is a time for mourning and condolence.

Saturday, the evening in which the summer parade took place Carnival on the water, three allegorical boats (‘What do the Two Thousand know, ‘China is close’ And ‘Team Nascar’) have decided not to attend the parade as a sign of mourning. In fact, Ivana should have taken part in the demonstration, which was held anyway following a painful and painful choice made by the administration and organizers.

The reactions

About the tragedy of Nations also intervened Mario Sorbi of the Regional Observatory on Road Safety. Sorbi pointed the finger at the legislative shortcomings against those responsible for these episodes. “The new Highway Code, with more severe measures for incidents like this, is not yet on the calendar Rome – he thunders –. In addition to this, there continues to be a lack of legislative tools to send those guilty of crimes of this kind to prison. Obviously the fault does not lie with those who apply the law, but with those who have to pass it. Then there is the problem of road controls, a very serious flaw. Suffice it to say that in Italy you are stopped by patrols on average once every six or seven years. Unacceptable”.

The facts

There tragedy it was consumed in a flash, at 1.17 am on the night between Friday and Saturday. We are in Viale dei Continenti, the road that connects the town of Nations at the Romea State Road. Ivana Ferroni, mother of three children, was spending the evening at the ‘Ti porto al mare’ bar together with her 42-year-old boyfriend. The couple had left the premises for a few moments when, as they were returning, they were mowed down by the Volvo driven by the 44-year-old, who was proceeding from Nazioni towards Romea. The impact was very violent.

118 emergency services intervened on site two ambulances And the air ambulance hey carabinieri. The latter had to intervene to save the investor from lynching of the victims’ friends. Ivana was loaded into the ambulance, but her heart stopped during the ride. The boyfriend suffered several injuries but will be fine. She currently she is still hospitalized to the Delta hospital and his condition is stationary.

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