the artists of the fifth edition on display in Venice

The project, born in 2019 on the initiative of the Municipality of Venice, has as its main objectives the dissemination and promotion of contemporary artistic experiments carried out by young people under 35 who live or work in Italy. The theme that the participants faced this year is the title of the 2024 Art Biennale, Foreigners everywhere – Foreigners Everywhere, choosing one of the seven competition disciplines: Photography, Comics and Illustration, Glass Works, Painting, Visual Poetry, Street Art and Video Art. The works which, following a selection made by the relevant juries, were classified in second, third and fourth place ex aequo are currently on display in Forte Marghera. The winning works, however, are now exhibited in the Venice Pavilion in the Giardini della Biennale, where they will remain until November 26th and then reach the spaces of the collective exhibition until the closing.

Creators of our time

Creators of our time represents a unique opportunity for emerging artists who intend to make their creations known, having the opportunity to come into contact with the fervent Venetian cultural environment. Creativity and talent are the two factors that the competition enhances through the collective, thus allowing a comparison of ideas and stimuli. Observing the works on display, one immediately notices the innumerable paths taken by the artists to express the theme in a completely personal way. Strangers Everywhere.

Creators of our Time, Fist

A strangeness that can be linked to an internal discomfort, a physical condition, a migration, a fight against prejudices and daily injustices. The extraneousness with respect to a life path forced by social dogmas represents one of the points of reflection of the pictorial work of Giulia Osella, by title 00:11. The compositional scheme, through crossing lines, leads the viewer to the point where he metaphorically frees himself from expectations by realizing his own existence.

Creators of our Time, Osella

Illness can also constitute a condition of estrangement towards others and oneself. This is the case of the video work Memory Glitches Of Sabrina Zuccato, which tells the story of the progress of Alzheimer’s disease through some image disorders. The video was created with the help of Artificial Intelligence, which constitutes a tool that artists can use and which reaffirms the closeness of the competition to the creative methods of the present. The use of glass instead underlines the relationship with Venetian art thanks to sculptures such as Space of being, Inner reflection Of Linda Simioniwhich analyzes the fragments that make up human interiority.

Creators of our time, Cellini

The irony present in the illustration Where are the VENETIANS? Of Alessandro “Zoen” Enzo contributes to a reflection on the condition of extraneousness with respect to the context of everyday life, representing the story of Marisa and Bepi who get lost in Piazza San Marco due to the crowd of tourists. Strangeness that becomes encounter and cohesion in the spray mural Social glue Of Giovanni Zark Laportawhile a dichotomy between death and rebirth in the photographs of Elia Brignoli by title Propagation.

Creators of our timetherefore, offers a unique journey among the most recent artistic experiments on the Italian scene, allowing the visitor to come into contact with the ideas of the seventy-six authors on display.

Creators of our time
Creators of our time, awards ceremony
Creators of our Time, Dong
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