Modena, Mezzetti’s discontinuity: architect Ferrari on urban planning – Politics

Modena, Mezzetti’s discontinuity: architect Ferrari on urban planning – Politics
Modena, Mezzetti’s discontinuity: architect Ferrari on urban planning – Politics

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The urban planning councilor of the Municipality of Modena will be the architect Carla Ferrari. He made it official today in a long interview with Rest of the Pug Mayor Massimo Mezzetti. ‘She accepted and it fills me with joy and pride. I know she will do her job very well. After the approval of the Pug we are in a delicate phase and we need people like Carla Ferrari, with a high profile and great experience.’
Architect and urban planner with a studio in Modena, Carla Ferrari is a plan designer and author of essays on urban planning, sustainability and redevelopment. You have won numerous awards related to territorial planning (here is your CV). Mezzetti had the opportunity to know her in his experience as a regional councilor and her name certainly represents a break with the past. Yes, because Ferrari has a decidedly different vision of the city than the one that Modena inherited from Muzzarelli.

‘The document on the PSC needs to be rethought. The city of Modena deserves a plan worthy of its past, when Italian universities, in urban planning courses, took as an example the Modena experience of the PRG signed by Osvaldo Piacentini and Giuseppe Campos Venuti in the 1960s. The PSC needs to be rethought because it lacks a vision of the future shared by the whole city’ – Ferrari wrote in 2013 in the Ferrari Center periodical ‘Note Modenesi’ (photos above and below).
And again: As long as there is an alternative, even just one, between building on virgin land and building on an abandoned site in which, before intervening, it is necessary to demolish what was there and reclaim that space, it is obvious that the real estate system will choose the least expensive alternative and without “stumbles” in execution. But the community will mainly pay the costs.

If the Municipality finally decides not to foresee expansion areas on free areas, it is clear that companies will also begin to choose those to redevelop. The PSC should guarantee “zero” consumption of agricultural land, orienting all settlement policies within the built city, which is also made up of large voids and abandoned or in the process of being abandoned areas.

In short, ideas which, even 10 years after they were expressed, still sound revolutionary, testifying to Mezzetti’s desire to really change gear. The outgoing mayor Giancarlo Muzzarelli 10 years ago he introduced himself by saying that he was the ‘strong man’ of the council, Mezzetti instead decided to surround himself with strong men and women, demonstrating a different level of self-confidence, capable of opening up to others and choosing the best without the fear of being overshadowed, compared to the much contested muscular approach of the man from Fanano.
Thus, together with Ferrari, Mezzetti announced, again in the same interview, that he had asked the prefect for a deadline Alessandra Camporota to join the council as councilor for urban planning, but in this case the person concerned is expected to decide whether to accept or not.

The other names
What is holding back Mezzetti’s desire for true renewal are the parties, the Democratic Party above all. As given yesterday, the Democratic Party will impose on the council Venturelli, Guerzoni, Bortolamasi and Maletti (with Bosi president of the municipal council e Solomita chief of staff). Action, through Matteo Richetti, will impose Paolo Zancathe M5S Barbara Morettithe Greens Maria Teresa Rubbiani. Finally Modena Civica would like not so much Carmela Sagliano but the same Katia Parisi, but she could be the real sensational exclusion from the government team unless there is a move to a 10-man council.
Giuseppe Leonelli

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