Seats open in Malnate and Samarate for the run-off

Seats open in Malnate and Samarate for the run-off
Seats open in Malnate and Samarate for the run-off

The electoral round of the 2024 administrative elections is coming to an end. In the province of Varese, after the results of the polls on 8 and 9 June, there are There are two municipalities that still have to decide who the new mayor will be.

It’s about Malnate and Samarate, where the polling stations reopened for the ballot from 7am on Sunday 23 June. Voting takes place on Sunday 23 June from 7am to 11pm and on Monday 24 June from 7am to 3pm. Once the polls have closed, the counting will begin and so on Monday afternoon we will know who will be elected mayor. Whoever gets the most votes will win.

The polls reopen: in Malnate and Samarate the mayors will be elected on Sunday and Monday

The ballot in Samarate Samarate Puricelli Ferrazzi
In Samarate the ballot pits the outgoing mayor Enrico Puricelli against Alessandro Ferrazzi: the vote comes after a rather eventful week, animated by controversy. Puricelli, supported by the three centre-right parties, starts with 42% of votes and expects to recover the electorate that voted for the centre-right in the European elections but was not convinced in the municipal elections. Alessandro Ferrazzi took 29% in the first round but made alliance agreements with the 5 Star Movement and two civic lists, which also intercepted part of the centre-right votes on 8-9 June. A scenario that makes the outcome uncertain.

The ballot in Malnate Cannito Damiani
The run-off in Malnate will see the centre-right candidate Sandro Damiani (Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Lega and Malnate Ideale) and the centre-left candidate Nadia Cannito (Pd and three civic lists) as challengers. In the first round, also thanks to the good results obtained by the civic leaders Irene Bellifemine – outgoing mayor – and Paola Cassina, the gaps were minimal. Damiani obtained 31.38% of the votes (2383) while Cannito 27.65% (2100). In view of the run-off there were no similarities with Bellifemine and Cassina who left their voters free to vote without giving any indications. The game is open.

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