polls also open in Calabria and Sicily

Polls open for ballots in over one hundred Italian municipalities. Voting takes place from 7am on Sunday to 3pm on Monday. StrettoWeb the counting of the ballots will be followed live, which will take place immediately after the end of the voting operations. In all they are 14 the capitals called to choose the mayor. Yesterday the president of the M5S Giuseppe Conte it was a San Giovanni Rotondo where the duel is within the progressive camp. And the leader arrives to close the campaign of the Grillino candidate against the outgoing Democratic mayor. But Conte also made a pass to San Severo, where Pd and M5s are allies since the first round. The Democratic leader Elly Schleinhowever, ended the election campaign in Florence. The leader yesterday went on stage with the candidate Sara Funaro who, thanks to the 43% obtained two weeks ago, will face the centre-right candidate Eike Schmidtwhich reached 32.86%.

TO Bari the wide field arrives only in view of the run-off. The Democratic candidate Vito Leccese (48% in the first round), makes the pact with Michele Laforgia, initially supported by M5s and Avs. To challenge him, for the centre-right, Fabio Romito which stopped at 29% and now believes in a comeback. The polarization prompted by the duels pushes the center-left to close ranks, especially where it starts at a disadvantage. TO Campobassothe centre-right candidate Aldo De Benedittis it almost reached 50%, trailing its opponent by 16 points Marialuisa Forte. Which now, however, obtains the support of the candidate Pino Ruta (20% consensus obtained on June 10th).

Also to Powerthe progressive front united in support of the civic candidate Vincenzo Telescawho will try to gain ground on the centre-right candidate Francesco Fanelli, 40% achieved two weeks ago. Distant positions in the wide field a CaltanissettaWhere Annalisa Petitto the centre-left will try to catch up with the centre-right candidate Walter Tesauro. Challenges on the line between already consolidated coalitions both a Perugia than Lecce. In the Umbrian capital the ‘very wide’ field with Vittoria Ferdinandi challenge the center-right with Margherita Scoccia, both around 49%. In the city of Salento the outgoing mayor Carlo Salveminire-nominated for the centre-left, will try to gain points over the centre-right candidate Adriana Poli Bortone, who came close to being elected in the first round.

Ballots in Sicily: voting in Caltanissetta, Gela and Pachino

There are three Sicilian municipalities al ballot for theelection of the mayor: to Caltanissetta the comparison will be between Annalisa Maria Petitto And Walter Calogero Tesauro; to Froststill in Nisseno, you will have to choose between Grazia Rita Cosentino And Giuseppe Terenziano Di Stefano; to Pachinoin the province of Syracuse, the candidates are Rosaria Fronterrè And Giuseppe Gambuzza.

Calabria ballots, voting in Vibo Valentia, Gioia Tauro and Montalto

Polls open for ballots in Calabria. TO Vibo Valentia Enzo Romeo of the centre-left (Pd, M5S, Left alliance), first president of the Province of Vibo Valentia, is opposed to Roberto Cosentino, leader of the Calabria Region, supported by Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia, by the “Indipendenza” movement, and by the civic lists “Forza Vibo”, “Oltre” and “Vibo Unica”. In the first round the most voted candidate, with 38.4%, was Cosentino, while Romeo obtained 31.9%.

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