Press Review of 23 June, Genoa: Zanoli’s name reappears for the right lane

Press Review of 23 June, Genoa: Zanoli’s name reappears for the right lane
Press Review of 23 June, Genoa: Zanoli’s name reappears for the right lane


SPORT COURIER – Quick transfer tips which in some cases also affect Genoa within the Corriere dello Sport this Sunday. In the meantime we’re talking about Oristanio and the advance of Venezia, who met Inter on Thursday for the player, who should have been the counterpart in the operation Martinez. Approach Genoa again too Krstovic of Lecce and Brunori of Palermo.

GAZZETTA DELLO SPORT – The pink newspaper speaks, at Inter, of “new contacts with Jorgensen“, Villareal goalkeeper, who remains the alternative to Martinez after the negotiation stalled. A new meeting would be scheduled this week to understand if Genoa might be interested in other counterparts, given that Oristanio seems inclined to choose Venice. Also compared to Genoa Mussogoalkeeper of Atalanta, while Fiorentina would continue to be interested in Retegui (“but not the 30 million requested by Genoa” the sports newspaper is keen to specify).

REPUBLIC – “Genoa, you can make money with redundancies. For the goals of Tail And Yeboah an auction is looming” is the headline this morning in the Genoa edition of Republic, which dedicates an in-depth analysis to the exit situations for the Genoa players. There will be many players who could leave Genoa, but some are more difficult to place also due to their salary, such as Aramu. The latter in Serie B would have many interested teams, from Mantua (which will take Benedetti back) to Verona, Sassuolo and Salernitana. The objective, however, is to try to create a further “little treasure” from the sale of these redundancies so that the positive effects can also be had on the first team.

19th CENTURY – In addition to reporting in an editorial the possibility that coach Spalletti against Croatia will think about starting from the first minute of ReteguiThe 19th century this morning gives space to the words of the fans and the rossoblù clubs on the situation 777 Partners. In general, optimism reigns in the words reported, with the figure of the President Zangrillo which emerges as “warranty” and the latest operations, such as the acquisition of Vitinha, which bodes well for the future. There are also those who hope that “dead branches” can be cut from the multiclub network so that we can dedicate ourselves even more and even better to Genoa. Finally, a short paragraph on the market: in addition to reappearing the name of Zanoli for the right wing, we read about a possible closure for Martinez to Inter even without any quid pro quo.

ALLSPORT Tuttosport he in turn talks about a meeting this week between Genoa and Inter for the chapter Martinezbut Oristanio for the moment he continues to prefer the Venice option. However, the operation is closer to completion than on stand-by: Genoa would have had their eyes on three possible replacements, to Terracciano to Musso passing through Turati.


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