AREZZO, Promotion or Pastries with Pastries?

The last Giostra del Saracino had as a collateral event the hosting of the owners of one fBrazilian footwear manufacturing factory that bears the name of Arezzo & Co. The South American company has a turnover of almost one and a half billion dollars and is present in all South American countries, but also in North America. In recent times it acquired the majority of a Milanese fashion company Paris, Texasand another by the name Vicenza.

Arezzo, at the hands of others, bought Vicenza, the erotic dream of the Arezzo goldsmiths.

We are faced with a colossus. The name Arezzo given to the brand was completely random. In Portuguese this double Z and the initial and final A seem to have a cool sound. Nothing is a coincidence, Arezzo is the homeland of Guido Monaco, the inventor of musical notation.

Our politics has moved with travel and pastries. The latter both in sugary form and in the form of making messes. The mayor of Arezzo went to Brazil – necessary? – Then he invited the wealthy owners of the company to Arezzo, with related receptions and honors. So far, I don’t know how much it cost, it’s something…nice, but it has no return for Arezzo City.

Operation similar to that of having done the Sisterhood with the Californian city of Anaheim. Utility? Zero. Miscellaneous expenses.

A Jewish friend of mine from NY analyzed everything with the phrase, If there is no profit, there is certain loss.

To which is added a writing that I found on an office wall, also in NY, and always by a Jew,

Acting a lot and in a frenetic way without thinking about the return,

it’s like eating soup with a fork,

a lot of work but the hunger remains.

These operations are dear not only to the city of Arezzo, which has other examples in previous governments, but to almost the majority of Italian cities which, to give themselves an international tone, make connections with other parts of the world packed with enthusiastic future commercial or promotional relationships. Generally the operation ends with the last pastry at the table of the ceremony of great speeches between the enthusiastic representatives of the two cities. Nothing happens after that. Another new event will supplant the current one, and the people will perhaps have the sensation of the Great Doing.

Often these operations also have the flavor of politicians taking trips. Political tourism with justified expenses.


It would be better for a municipality, through competent people who have an international vision and who have seen the world, to plan these activities more profitably. It is not a job for a municipal employee, nor even for the political infiltrator of one’s own party to whom one makes a convention, often these characters at most have made incursions in flip-flops in Cesenatico, and do not speak any foreign language.


There could be many opportunities besides this one from the Brazilian shoe company.

Arezzo Jewelers in Illinois

I could cite about twenty cases in the world where the name Arezzo is presentone that I remember instantly Arezzo Jewellers of my Chicago, now moved to Elmwood Park, Illinois. An Arezzo restaurant is in Ireland, another in Ohio, there is an Arezzo real estate in the East.

Here the character mentioned above could build with all these Arezzo in the world a sort of Arezzo Ambassadorsstudying with each of these the actions to be done.

With the Brazilian Arezzo & Co you could put a coupon of one in the shoe boxes Visit Arezzo – to be created – at a promotional price, like two people come and one doesn’t pay for accommodation, or weeks of food tasting in Arezzo.

In their stores they could host a tasting corner of Arezzo products, like this

the Brazilian Arezzo & Co

Let’s sell some food. That corner perhaps should be in tune with their marketing and bring back an image of Arezzo. By selling them millions of shoes, maybe we’ll get someone to come. At this moment the word Arezzo for that company is just a beautiful sound of vowels/consonants, combining it with the historical and food values ​​of Arezzo would acquire a more gourmet flavour.

That coupon could also be used to allow foreign customers drawn by lot to participate in the Giostra del Saracino. The promotional rhyme could be very long if in the hands of capable people.

Ditto repeat with the jewelry store in Illinois, as well as with the restaurant in Ireland, and the others. It becomes a format that we study once, we then just need to search for all Arezzo in the world, and we create a network of users, friends, spenders in Arezzo.

A note concluding the Municipality’s transaction with the city of Anaheim, California.

After the sisterhood ceremony – Sister City -, there was the opportunity to start realizing something through the Arezzo Wave Foundation who carried this brand for a few evenings during a media event in that city. The tireless Sherpa bullied by politics, Mauro Valenti, has repeatedly invited the Municipality to take action…common. Nothing. Valenti went with his event, brought foods from Arezzo for tasting, and the mayor, after having disdained and ignored him for a long time, magically appeared at the last minute at that ceremony, an appearance with the flavor of the post.

So much for System Making of which politics has polished our round private parts without ever actually implementing the thing in practice. They fill their mouths with words and pastries.

Every euro spent must be an investment in a Real Promotional Project – not the fatuous ones of large projects that last the time of a conference.


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Aretino Tourist in Arezzo,

itAlien Immigrated to Italy

[email protected]


other articles by Piero Rossi

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