Dead for a month, no one claims his body. A woman reads the news and decides to pay for her funeral: «she will have a dignified burial»

Dead for a month, no one claims his body. A woman reads the news and decides to pay for her funeral: «she will have a dignified burial»
Dead for a month, no one claims his body. A woman reads the news and decides to pay for her funeral: «she will have a dignified burial»

PORDENONE – There are still people who have a heart and a soul. Not only. There are still people who are shocked when they read that a man who died alone, far from his loved ones, was not sought out by anyone, not even his family, for a funeral. There are still people who decide to take care of it with their own money to give a burial to a person who certainly must not have had a simple life. Among these people who have a heart there is a woman, resident in Padua, who after reading the sad story of a body left in the morgue in Pordenone for over a month and which the Municipality should now take care of the burial, has decided to personally take on this burden, both economically and – above all – from an ethical and moral point of view.


As we wrote in yesterday’s edition of Gazzettino di Pordenone, a man had died alone, followed only by a social worker who, however, having ended his employment and function with his death, left his position. No one, including family members, had come to recognize the body and guarantee that person a dignified burial. And so the Municipality will have to provide for the celebration of a funeral and the subsequent burial. Not a small detail: the person who, in spite of himself, became the protagonist of the story died more than a month ago.


An email arrived in the editorial office yesterday morning. «I have just read the report in the Gazzettino di Pordenone on the sad story of the gentleman who died on May 16th and no one showed up to collect his body and give it a proper burial. I feel personally involved as a human being and a Christian and I want to treat this gentleman, whom I have never met, as if he were my brother. I would therefore like to cover the costs of his funeral and burial. Thank you very much for giving this news that is so sad and shocking at the same time. I live in Padua but at the moment I am resident in a municipality in Western Friuli. Let me know how I can do it.” Name, surname and mobile number.


We called her yesterday morning. Not only did she confirm what she wrote, but she wanted to do more. «When I read that report I had a heartache just thinking about that lonely man. Be careful, I absolutely don’t want to judge, if the family members have decided in this way they will have had their reasons which I won’t go into the merits of, nor do I allow myself to say anything. Personally, however, I was impressed and felt compelled to do something. I don’t know what a funeral like this could cost, but it doesn’t matter, I’m ready to pay for it. If then – it went ahead – the Municipality will also indicate the date of the funeral, I would like to do more. I have some singer friends from the Marciana chapel of San Marco and I would like to call them on the day of the funeral. I know they will be there and if we can even play an organ it will be a proper funeral. I feel like doing it.”


Once we spoke with the woman we decided to immediately contact the councilor for cemetery services, given that the Municipality will be taking care of the body, to inform him that there is a person willing to pay for the man’s funeral and to have a funeral celebrated funeral. «An act of great charity – said councilor Walter De Bortoli – which I appreciate very much. Tomorrow (Monday ed.) I will speak directly with the director of the Service to understand how it is possible to do it and then I will contact the person, first of all to thank them for their humanity, then to see the details together.” The man died on May 16, therefore eight days earlier than the communication from the health authority directed to the offices of the municipality of Pordenone. The technical time to wait for someone to come to “claim” the deceased. But no one showed up. Until yesterday.


Read the full article at
The Gazzettino

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